Target Halloween Clearance ~ 70% Off Finds!

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Just as I thought, Target’s Halloween clearance hit 70% off yesterday. I was hoping for 75% off, but you can’t have everything. I went to two Targets, including my favorite one and totally scored.

My favorite finds were:
Leogs: $1.19 (reg. $3.99). What will I do with 9 million packs of Legos you ask? Well, I plan to save them for goodie bags when L is older. And also my cousin, who is a librarian, has a Lego Club at her libraries, so she will get some too!
Books: $0.59 to $2.99 (reg. ? to $9.99).  I was totally hoping to find the Halloween Little People book for L, so when I find two, I snatched them right up!  Even if your kids are grown or already have the same book, buy it anyways.  Books make awesome gifts and are usually so expensive.
Solo Cups: $0.89 (reg. $2.99).  While these aren’t exactly “green”, they work great for us.  I like to take them in the car with us so we can just toss the cup when we get to our destination.  Ever left a sippy cup of milk in a hot car?  Umm, I have.  Nasty, nasty, nasty!  Never again.

I was also pretty pleased that I find the Philips LED Halloween lights.  Not sure what the exact name of these are, but the are shaped like pumpkins, ghosts, etc. and stick to your window and change colors.  We had one this year and loved it.  So much that it no longer works.  So I was thrilled I was able to find these!  I found a few cookie sheets that I had bought at 50% off, so I re-bought at 70% off and will return the others.

I always hear people say “my Target never has that stuff”.  Well, it’s not like I go to just one Target.  I went to two for all the items you see above.  I got most of it at my favorite Target (which is about 25 minutes away?), but I know my closer Target’s had some stuff too.  And I didn’t even go at 8am when they first opened.  Nope, I went in the late afternoon.  You gotta be willing to hunt for the stuff and I totally am.  It’s all part of the fun!  I have my fingers crossed for 90% off on Monday!!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Alysia George

    One of these days (or years…) I am totally going to do this. I just don’t have it in me with kids in tow. Maybe next year when my youngest is in preschool. I have to ask, what Target is your favorite??

    1. Jennifer

      Eastland 😉

  2. Alysia George

    That’s my favorite Target too! My husband wants to kill me every time I go there, he doesn’t think it’s safe to take the kids there. But I love it way better than the one closest to me. I need to look a little harder for bargains I guess, I’m always on a limited schedule.

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