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Things that annoy me.

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Okay, so there are lots of things that drive me totally crazy and I’d like to know if I’m the only one?? Here goes:

  • “Vaguebooking”: Okay, you know the posts “I can’t believe this is happening”, “Pray for me”, “I’m so over this” “I have big news, but I can’t share it yet”, etc.  This person then does not respond to questions about what is wrong and disappears from FB for a few days only to come back with a post like nothing ever happened.  People who are repeat offenders of this get hidden from my wall.  So so so annoying.
  • People who leave their Christmas decorations up way too long:  I’m not talking about Christmas lights.  I live in the Midwest and know it’s way too flippin cold / unsafe to get those things off the roof in January.  I’m talking about the wreath on the house / door, the blow up Santa in the yard, the ornaments hanging from the tree outside.  You walk through that door everyday.  You can’t tell me you haven’t had two seconds to bring that wreath in the house and throw it in the basement?  Please.  And if you really don’t have time call me.  I’ll come over and do it so I don’t have to see it anymore.
  • Stop-Walkers:  I totally made this term up.  But it’s people who are walking in a super busy area (street, mall, park, sporting arena) and then all of a sudden stop to tie their shoe, take a phone call, or just talk to the person next to them.  Really people?  Keep moving.
  • Furniture Salespeople: Why do they insist of standing around the front of the store and then walking behind me pointing things out when I clearly stated “I am just browsing for a couch/chair/bed/whatever and don’t need any help”.  And why do they all wear suits?  Most of Corporate America doesn’t rock suits everyday, so why does the guy selling me a $500 table need to wear one??  It’s weird.
  • Epic:  Ugh.  Such an overused word.  I am pretty sure your breakfast this morning wasn’t epic.  Meaning you will NOT remember it forever and in twenty years say, wow, nothing compares to that breakfast I had on 3-28-11.
  • The Say Whats??:  I do not think there is a real name for these people either, so I made one up.  They are the ones who are chain smoking and/or eating a big mac and fries, etc. while telling you that talking on the phone and driving, tanning,  etc. are bad for you and you should stop asap.  Say what??  I’m not sitting here telling you to stop smoking so why are you yelling at me?

So now that I have likely offended half of my readers (I believe there are 13 of you according to Google Reader), I will end it here.  I am pretty sure I do/say lots of things that annoy people on a daily basis but to me, its not annoying.  Am I totally off-base with the stuff above?  Does any of this annoy you?  If not, what does??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!