Try It Tuesday: The Results!

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As promised, I am sharing the results of my first Try It Tuesday! Here are my thoughts on the items I tried out during the previous month.

Image Credit: Me

Suave Dry Shampoo: Love this stuff. It is so nice to be able to “dry out” my hair without going through the entire production of washing it, using the blow dryer, etc. Don’t even say I could just air dry it because I do not understand how people air dry their hair? Mine hair is stick straight but somehow turns into a hot mess when I don’t blow dry it. And when I do blow dry it (every day), it gets all fried. So this dry shampoo is a great tool! I am so not of the belief you need to wash your hair every day (every other day is fine IMO), which makes me love this stuff even more. It saves me time and money. Thumbs Up!


Image Credit:

Space Sand: My son LOVED the space sand. He didn’t exactly care that it didn’t stay wet, but loved the shapes it made underwater. And of course, he loved mixing all the colors together. My only complaint with this stuff is that the colors mix together and never come unmixed. I know, I know, it’s sand and how can I expect it to be separated once it is mixed? I don’t know, maybe sand on Mars stays separated??? If someone could figure out how to invent something that un-separates mixed sand or mixed play-doh, they would be so rich. And please don’t forget that I gave you the idea. Thumbs Up!


Image Credit:

Ben & Jerry’s Red Velvet Cake Ice-Cream: Delicious! It tasted super yummy and very much like red velvet cake batter. Only the ice cream was white (well cream) colored and had pieces of red cake in it. WTF, I thought it would be totally red with chunks of vanilla frosting. Not that it wasn’t good, it just wasn’t exactly what I expected. I guess the Ben & Jerry’s people know ice cream better than me (although, I think I am close to being an ice-cream expert), but I still want to do a taste test to find out. Thumbs Up (because no ice-cream would ever get a thumbs down).


Image Credit: Me

Waring Pro Juicer: We have made assorted juices and all were very good, much better than expected. I really never knew how much actual juice was in some of these fruits and vegetables. It’s amazing really. And while you think some of these crazy combinations of fruits and veggies would taste awful mixed together, they don’t. I actually need to do a separate post on this. Lucas loves the juice too. Thumbs Up!


I didn’t think that everything on this list would get a Thumbs Up, but they did. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this stuff to anyone! What have you tried and loved lately? Anything you’ve tried and hated?? Please share! And stay tuned because later I am going to post the things I am trying next!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Shannon

    Wouldn’t you know I went grocery shopping LAST NIGHT and looked for the B&J’s and they didn’t have it! UGH! I’m starting to think it’s a sign!

    1. Jennifer

      Shannon, I found it at WalMart. I’m not a WalMart girl, but I do love those fancy freezer aisles they have with the lights that turn on when you walk by.

  2. Amanda

    I made Leah play-dough for Christmas. I was so sad when she got a hold of it and immediately began mixing all the colors together. What was once a beautiful rainbow of jars lined up on my shelf is now just a mish-mash of muddy colors. I suppose I should have known it was going to happen, but somehow, I just didn’t see it coming.

    1. Jennifer

      Why do they like it better when it is all grey and gross?? The colors are so much better. What recipe did you use for the play-dough? That sounds fun and I have always wanted to make it!

  3. Jess

    thanks for sharing with us. I hope to make a trip to target this weekend to try out the dry shampoo. I dont wash my hair every day as it is not healthy for my hair and this would help me keep it clean.
    I cannot wait to try the red velvet ice cream. I always get the yogurt from the yogurt shop down the street and I LOVE it! I just hope it wont be THAT good. I wouldnt want to eat the whole thing.
    I love juicing and I have some great recipes if you ever want any. I love having a juice right after working out.

    1. Jennifer

      Ohhhh, I would love the recipes!!! That would be awesome!

      I am so jealous about the yogurt shop. We did not have any like that around here. I would be there everyday!

  4. Cindy

    Thanks again for the Dry Shampoo tip, glad L likes the Space Sand (we never had the color mixing problem ’cause I was too cheap to buy more than one color…lol), and I thought you had to spend at least $100 to get a good juicer — maybe not!!

    1. Jennifer

      Wait, you can buy only one color?? I bought a bucket of it that had all the colors in it. Although, it turns to all one color when you mix it, so I guess I only bought one color too. As for the juicer, I am not sure? I have never heard that, but I am not a big juicer.

  5. Amanda

    I can’t find the exact recipe I used, but I think it was like this one. Very similar, if not the exact same. One bit of advice: use gel paste food coloring, rather than liquid food color. It took a TON of the liquid to get the dough colored, and even then, my “red” dough looks more like someone’s kidney.

    And while I was looking for the play dough recipe I used, I found this recipe for homemade window paint. I’ve used it before and love it. AND, because there’s dish soap in the recipe, you just need some water to wash it off and it cleans your windows! (I know this isn’t related to anything, but it seemed like something you’d like.)

    1. Jennifer

      I am not even sure I know what gel paste food coloring is?? Where do I buy this? Is it right next to regular food coloring? And I love the homemade window paint recipe!! These are great summer time rainy day ideas!!! Thank you!!!

      1. Amanda

        It comes in little jars like this. It’s by the cake decorating stuff. I get it at Walmart, but you can get it at most craft stores (ie, Michael’s), too. (I don’t know if Target has it…do they have a cake decorating section?)

  6. Lori

    Things you need to try:
    Wasabi peas (Yum) But you either love or hate – there’s no middle ground on these
    frozen dole mango (we actually eat it frozen but you could make it into smoothies too.)
    Grape Mike’s hard Lemonade – Yum. (I got one in a big can from 7/11)

    and I cant believe you like the dry shampoo…it makes me think of old folks in a home or hospital getting their hair dry shampooed cuz they cant get out of bed, even after your recommendation I just cant believe it.

    1. Jennifer

      Okay, I have never heard of a can of Mike’s Hard Lemonade in a grape flavor! That sounds like a yummy drink for the lake this summer! We can have that and mango and peas!!!

      The dry shampoo is great I swear!!! Try it!

    2. Dani

      OMG I need the Grape Mike’s Hard Lemonade. I am putting that on my to try list.

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