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Freebie Friday!

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

I was gone for over a week, so the freebies had plenty of time to pile up! Here is what I scored while I was gone!

Free Stouffer’s Farmers Harvest meal coupon.  Scored this from a Facebook instant win game, which is now over.

Bio True collapsable bag.  I always need extra reusable bags and this one is great since it can fold up super small and fit in my bag.  This was from a Bausch & Long instant win game.  They were giving away 300 a day, which is great odds!

Clean Shower Fresh perfume sample (from Facebook).  I cannot wait to try this out.  I am on the search for a new scent and this could just be it.

Duck Tape sheets.  This was a facebook freebie and they were giving away a ton!  I am not 100% sure what I am going to do with these, but some craft project out there will call my name and I will find a use!

$100 gift card to 77kids by American Eagle.  This was from the April Lucky Breaks sweepstakes and showed up on my door while I was gone.  L will be more than excited to get some new stuff.  To be honest, I didn’t even know they had kids stuff?

$150 gift card to lucca couture!  Another April Lucky Breaks sweepstakes.  They always have awesome sweepstakes and I faithfully enter them every month!  One of my first ever wins was from Lucky!  I cannot wait to spend my GC.  It’s already burning a hole in my pocket.

That’s all from here.  What did you get free this week??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!