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Holiday Weekend

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I don’t about you, but I love holiday weekends. An entire extra day to relax and enjoy yourself. I am totally loving that it’s Sunday night and we still get all day tomorrow!! As I mentioned earlier, we spent part of the weekend “up-north”. Yesterday was freezing cold so we didn’t get any water time in, but we did have a super fun bbq with the family and L loved hunting for bugs with his “shooter thing” (it’s a bug vacuum) and capturing them to show us all. The sun came today today and it warmed up nicely. We played outside for most of the morning and then headed home after lunch since we knew it was going to rain later anyways.

B was nice enough to stop at the Pottery Barn outlet on the way home, so I could “look around”. Seriously, I had no idea what I wanted to go there for. Being a holiday weekend and all, the place was packed. B (and by default L) decided to come inside and look around with me. Two seconds after we walked in the door, I spotted them. The Manhattan Leather Chairs I have been lusting after for ages. And it just so happened they were on “special” this weekend! And after a quick phone call to my parents who were about a half an hour behind us on the road to confirm they would stop and bring one home for us, we were the proud owners of two of the chairs! And a set of dishes. We had some trouble trying to fit the chair in our car and as I was in the process of telling the lady I would be back the next day (which technically isn’t allowed, but whatever), B somehow made it work. I knew there was a reason I married him! The dogs were so that they happily crashed on our laps the rest of the way home. And L happily played on the iPad. I swear, he is the best traveler! I am now debating going back and getting an ottoman, but I need to sleep on it. The decision. Not the ottoman. Thoughts? I’ll be back with full details (i.e. the money I saved by buying at the outlet vs. the regular store) soon!

Hope you are all having a great weekend!!!!!!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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