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Summer Beach Reads!

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Although I do have an iPad which I use to read, sometimes it’s just nice pick up an actual book and read. Plus, you can’t just throw your iPad in the sand like you can with a book. I know some people read “smart” books, but not me. In fact, I rarely read non-fiction unless it’s an autobiography. And I typically pick out books based totally on their covers. Pink cover = good book.

I read (and finished) Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later on vacation and thought it was great. It is getting bad reviews, but really people? This isn’t Shakespeare. If you liked the Sweet Valley books back in the day, you will like this. It’s a super easy and fast read, which I like. I hate picking up a book after a few days and not being able to figure out what has already gone on in the book and basically having to re-read it. This won’t happen here!

Who hasn’t heard of Matt Logelin’s story? If you weren’t routing for him after he lost his wife, then something is wrong with you. Little Maddie is a doll. And Matt is a great dad. And I am so happy that he has found someone. I love that he’s so open with his life and loves to meet his readers. I have a friend that met him and I felt like I was a celebrity because I knew someone that met him! I haven’t started this book, but I am looking forward to it.

I started Tina’s book, Carrots N’ Cake, while on vacation as well. Out of all the food bloggers, I find her as being one of the more real ones. She’s honest and full of energy and doesn’t spend her entire day working out. So far it’s an easy read and is nicely separated into chapters for easy reference. And it has recipes, which I wasn’t expecting!

These Tori Spelling books have been out for ages, but they are perfect beach reads. I love Tori (and her reality show) and usually buy her books as soon as they come out. I’m not so sure about Dean, but if she likes him, it’s all that matters. And the way Tori spills her past is great. She holds nothing back and if you like gossip, her books are for you!

Also on my reading list are Rob Lowe’s Stories I Only Tell My Friends, Bethenny Frankel’s
A Place of Yes: 10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want Out of Life, and Thin, Rich, Pretty by Beth Harbison. What’s on your reading list this summer??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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