Things I Love Thursday: Reality TV Shows

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There are so many reality tv shows I love.  So many.  Let’s get started!

Image Credit: Bravo

Real Housewives of Orange County (Bravo): I have loved this show from the beginning.  At one point (back in the Jo days) I actually thought Slade was good looking.  Now, he is gross and Gretchen, who I also used to like, is so annoying.  Seriously, what happened to her this season?  Peggy, the new girl, looks rough.  I have a hard time believing she is 41.  Her husband seems to be the best guy the show has ever seen.  I’m super glad that Tamra left what’s his face.  Simon was a control freak.  Alexis should do the same since her husband is also a control freak, but she likes Jim’s money too much.  From what I have read, they are losing their house, so maybe they will end soon too.  And sometimes I like Vicki, sometimes I don’t.

Image Credit: MTV

Real World (MTV): I have watched this show since the first season in NYC.  I thought Eric was SO HOT and wanted him and Julie to hook up!  Anyways, I loved it then and I love it now, with a few exceptions (Cancun, Austin, Brooklyn & Hollywood).  But this new season of Las Vegas has me more than hooked! The characters have gotten crazier since the first season, but I still watch.

Image Credit: CBS

The Amazing Race (CBS): Now this is a good show.  I would be a hot mess on this show, screaming at B every two seconds and complaining about how stuff was too hard, it was B’s fault we made a wrong turn and got lost (even though I was giving directions), etc. Yet I still think this show would be so much fun to be on and would be a fabulous way to see the world!  There are only a few of the challenges that I have seen over the years that I would have totally hated.  I mean, I would probably complain about most of them and B would have to do all the work, but I’d still really love it!

Image Credit: CBS

Big Brother (CBS): Love, love, love this show.  I don’t know if I love it so much because there is nothing else on in the summer when it’s on?  Or if I would love it just as much anytime during the year?  The people in the house must get so bored.  I would go crazy living in there.  The people are crazy.  The set-up is crazy and the showmances are crazy. And I can’t wait for this summer’s season!

Image Credit: A&E

Hoarders (A&E): Oh how I love this show.  It makes me want to jump off the couch and throw things away.  I am both disgusted and fascinated by this show.  The amount of “stuff” people have is amazing.  What do they do with it all?  Why don’t they throw it away?  Why do people even collect dolls?  Who really knows.  I can relate on some level (because of my Target clearance addiction), but I draw the line at saving cat carcasses.  I think there is a fine line between collectors and hoarders.  Collectors = organized and hoarders = not organized.  And I think when you become disorganized it’s easier just to not clean things up, including trash and just become overwhelmed with crap.  Literally.

Those are just a few of the many reality shows I love.  Did I miss any you love??

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Amanda

    LOL @ cat carcasses. I have a friend (admittedly, a strange friend) whose cat died in the winter. They had a little casket custom made for the kitty. Unfortunately, it being the middle of winter, the ground was frozen sold. So they put the cat in their freezer until the spring thaw, when they could give it a proper burial.

  2. Dorothy @ Adventures of an Only Child Mom

    I too LOVE LOVE the Real Housewives. I love all the seasons. Right now I have 3 going on my DVR and I love it!

  3. Farra

    Where is your RHoNJ!??!!? And Bethenny Ever After? You don’t like that nonsense? I’m obsessed with ALL reality shows…except for AI, Amazing Race, The Real World (I used to be on that bandwagon but stopped watching a few years ago)…

    1. Jennifer

      I like all that!!! But I like to limit my things I love Thursday to five things! I could have probably done 30 reality shows I love!!

  4. Corin

    So funny, I did a similar post today! I love RH of OC, and NJ. Sadly, I do not watch the others you listed. But have you seen Mob Wives or Extreme Couponing?

  5. Shannon

    OMG I was watching this weeks episode of RHOC and they were flashing back to old Slade and I remember thinking he was cute then too!!! He’s such a slime ball now though! GROSS! Gretchen is also a lot bitchier this season, which I don’t like. She used to be my fave.
    And…believe it or not but I was thisclose to sending in an application for BB! I printed it, filled it out, all I needed to do was send it, then I met J. True story.

    1. Jennifer

      I cannot believe I know all these people that almost applied or actually did apply for a reality show. Gretchen is awful this season. I want to smack her.

  6. melanee

    i am all over all of those shows. my bestie and i applied for the amazing race. they never called….shocker! big brother is so freakin addictive! and they are so wrong for having it on so many days during the week and after dark every darn night on showtime. i just don’t have time to watch it that freakin much. 2 yrs ago i started taking part in a country wide big brother pool (or something like that). its really cool.

    1. Jennifer

      You applied?? That is so fun! And what is this country wide pool?? I want to play!

  7. Cindy

    Okay, I’m a loser….I didn’t even know Big Brother was still on!? I was addicted when it first came out. RH of anything…well, you can quiz me — I’m hooked! Hoarders…don’t get me started…ugh!!

    1. Jennifer

      Yes, it’s still on in the summertime!!! I just watched the season premier of New Jersey today. What a mess!!! And I can’t imagine why you don’t like Hoarders?? 😉

  8. Dani

    I love Hoarders although I dont want it regularly. My lastest reality TV show darlings are Sister Wives and Extreme Couponing. I am always inspired to go find a deal although I usually don’t.

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