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Things That Annoy Me – Part 2

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Since my last post about things that annoy me, I have realized there are many things that I did not include. Many more. Here are just a few more:

The Selfers
: As in, people that say “I have no self-confidence in myself”, “I need to build up my self-esteem in myself” or something else along those lines.  Who else would you have SELF-confidence in besides yourself???  This drives me so crazy I cannot even stand it.  I think this irks me so much because it just proves that people do not think about things before they speak.

Lurkers: You read someone’s blog everyday, but have never ever ever commented.  You, my friend, are a lurker.  I read a statistic online that for every 100 people that read your blog, you will get 1 comment.  So you lurkers are not alone.  So one day, just take the time to comment on the blogs you read!  The writers will love it!  Oh, and I’ll admit it, I too am guilty of lurking.  But that doesn’t mean it’s any less annoying.  And I am trying to get better.  I swear.

Stop Light Street Walking Money Collectors: This is very very un-PC, but I do not care.  I cannot stand seeing people collecting money for charity in the street at stop-lights.  Wait, I should ask people if this is only a Midwest thing or does this happen everywhere??  Anyways, there is no doubt in my mind that these are great charities.  They are.  However, I fear for the safety of these volunteers running between cars in busy intersections and standing on the road as cars fly by them.  It just seems like a bad bad idea and I am not sure why it’s even allowed?  Yesterday, I saw some guy collecting money for something (not one of the normal groups I see out there), slowly walk right thru the lanes during a green light.  The truck next to me had to slow down from 50mph to like 10mph so that he didn’t hit him.  Soon new people will be standing at intersections collecting money for the prior volunteers that got hit by cars.

Food / Drink in Bathrooms: I was trying to think of a name for this, but all I could come up with was nasty.  Why why why do people insist on bringing their coffee, carry-out, etc. in public bathrooms?  It’s frickin gross.  But yet some people think it’s normal to leave their food and coffee mugs on the counter in the bathroom while they are taking care of business.  I won’t even get into all my other thoughts on public restrooms.  I am far from a germ-a-phobe, but I do know nasty when I see it.  I am convinced that there are people who were raised in the wild currently using public restrooms all over the world. Odds are they are also the ones who think they need to bring a snack in there.  You know the old saying “Don’t shit where you eat”…..

Trashers aka People that Throw Trash out Car Windows:  I suppose the technical term for these people are litterers.  Not sure why people can’t just wait until they get home to throw that McDonalds bag out the window, but they can’t.  They gotta just throw that crap out the window whenever they feel like it.  It also annoys me when people dump their trash in my neighborhood.  Don’t you people get your trash picked up??  It’s not okay to dump your crappy old tv, bags of yard clippings and used tires on someone else’s property.  You may not live here in this area, but someone does!  If I knew where you lived, I would consider returning the favor.

So what has been annoying you lately???  Are you annoyed by me being annoyed?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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