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Happy Birthday Baxter!

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I am a little late with this post, but Baxter turned 5 on Sunday. I cannot believe that we have had Baxter for just under five years now.  Bryan and I had been talking about getting a dog for awhile and a few weeks after we got married, we decided it was time. Baxter was older than the typical puppy (he was 4 months old when we got him), so he was actually on “sale”.  Can you believe no one had snatched up sweet little Baxter??  Anyways, spare me the lecture about buying a dog at the pet store.  I knew I wanted a Shorkie (1/2 Yorkie, 1/2 Shih-Tzu) and the choice was between Baxter and his sister.  I wanted to get his sister because I wanted a female dog, but Bryan insisted on Baxter.  It was the best decision of his life.  Seriously.  Baxter’s sister was nuts.

Not only was Baxter the cutest puppy ever, but he was also the most well behaved. People who don’t like dogs comment on how much they like Baxter. He was house trained very quickly(*) and rarely barked (and still doesn’t really bark).  And he was lazy.  Don’t get me wrong, he has his moments and runs “Baxter circles”, but if you just want to lay around on the couch, Baxter’s your dog.  But if you want to play fetch, Baxter’s up for that too.  He does get tired out quickly though.  A good word to describe Baxter is calm.  If he’s running around and barking like crazy, then there is a good reason for it!

Since Baxter is so calm and lazy, he wasn’t too thrilled when we added a baby (L) to our house.  Actually he wasn’t too thrilled when Buddy came along either.  But with L, he was mad.  B had to go away for a few weeks shortly after L was born, so it was just me and L and Baxter and Buddy.  He refused to sleep in my bed at night and slept alone on the couch.  I tried to take him for a walk one day, just me and him (**), but we got halfway and he refused to walk anymore, so I had to carry him home.  I think he thought I was going to leave him somewhere?  Anyways, once he realized L wasn’t leaving, he got over himself. He’s not BFF’s with him like Buddy is, but he more than tolerates L.

Baxter has let L walk him ever since L himself could walk. Baxter knew better than to run and pull on the leash while L was holding it.  I don’t know how, but somehow both of the furries always knew better than to mess with L.  They never touched his toys and never cared when Lucas would play in their food bowls or steal their toys!  I think once L started feeding them table food, Baxter decided that L was a good addition to the family. Baxter is always up with a car ride with L and happily hops in. The neighbors think they are hilarious when they drive around together. And if he’s really really tired, he will lay in bed with L at night when when L is falling asleep. Baxter hates snuggling with Buddy though and will bark when Buddy is barking like crazy, as if to tell him to shut up.  See, even Baxter gets annoyed by him!

So Happy Birthday to my sweet Baxter! The last 5 years have been great. You really are the best dog ever.  I would get 10 more dogs if they were all like you Baxter!

And Happy Birthday to my Dad today! I would do a Birthday post for my family members, but none of them (with the exception of B and L) even want their faces on my blogs!
(*) So was L once I decided for him it was time.  But Buddy, we are still working on that 4 years later.
(**) Just in case you are wondering, umm, no, I didn’t leave Lucas home alone.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!