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Midweek Musings

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• I need to know what that Tiffany necklace Newt Gingrich bought his wife looks like. A credit line of $1,000,000?? I need to go shopping with this man.

• Why doesn’t MTV have a channel that plays strictly old reality shows. Sorority Life, the Osbournes, Laguna Beach, Newlyweds, you know, the classics! I might never leave the house.

• I need to have a giant garage sale. Stuff is filling up my house and it’s making me nervous. Has anyone ever taken clothes to a consignment shop? What kind of return can I expect? Is it worth it?

• My diet pepsi habit has gotten worse. It’s ending today though. It’s going to be a nasty break-up. A have a headache just thinking about it.

• I have been deleting blogs like crazy from my google reader. So now I need to find some interesting new blogs. Any suggestions? I like a good mix of stuff. Skinny Runner, Jimmy Choos and Tennis Shoes, Carrots N’ Cake, Ashley’s Avenue and 2 Kids, A Mortgage and a Mini Van are my current favorites. I’d include links but I am too lazy.

• What in the world is going on with Lindsay Lohan? Back in court today for a failed urine test? Tsk, tsk Lindsay. Does anyone else think being stuck under house arrest in Malibu for a month sound like a bad thing? Me and B and L and the furries in a beach house for a month?? Yes please!

• Why in the world is Ashley so hung up on Bentley on the Bachlorette? I know she doesn’t know he’s a jerk like we all
do but was their connection in two weeks really that amazing? Really? She probably saw him like a handful of times total. Am I missing something? And as for Bentley he’s a strict mormon and can not be seen on camera drinking or holding a drink or whatever. If I were him I would try and blame my behavior on drinking. But he can’t. He’s really just that big of a jerk!!!

That’s all from here. What’s on your mind today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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