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Weekend Wrap-Up!

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Another weekend has come to an end and we had another great time! Here is what we did:
Friday Night: My birthday was a busy, but super fun day! I got yummy take-out from Red Robin for lunch and came home to the cupcake holder I had been wanting and a fun card from my boys.  L and I are already looking forward to making cupcakes in it!  B made it home from his trip on time, so that meant we were able to try out the new Mexico restaurant in town.  B (and L) loved it, but I thought it was just so-so.  I did love the decor though and the place had a great vibe to it, so I will give it another chance and just order something different next time.

Saturday: We started off the day at L’s swim lessons and I couldn’t have been prouder of him.  Last week (his first class) he wanted B to be in the water with him, but this week, he happily ditched B and didn’t even look back at us when class started.  He listed so nicely to his teachers and loved every minute of it!  We came home and made some pops (partly because I wanted to test out my new holder) and played outside, where someone found a frog / toad.  We also met our new next door neighbors who have just broken ground on their house!  My birthday celebration kicked into high gear on Saturday night when B and I headed to the “D” to spend the night at the casino.  Lucas happily stayed at his Nana & Papa’s house and couldn’t have been more thrilled.  I’ll do a full write-up on our stay soon.  Sooner than that Disney cruise review which I am still working on.
Sunday: Ahh, Sunday Funday!  B and I started off the day with early morning mani-pedis at the spa and then did a little more gambling (some would call it losing) at the casino and headed out to pick up L and the furries.  Once we were all reunited, we went home and played.  And played.  And played.  Some kids that live in the neighborhood came over and L was thrilled.  He is super social and loves having friends over.  We all broke for dinner and then met right up again.  I am guessing this is going to be a frequent occurrence in the coming years and I love it!  I am pretty sure they all left exhausted.

We had another great weekend (is there such a thing as a bad weekend?) and I hope you did too.  What did you do?  And what are your plans for the 4th of July weekend?  We are totally looking forward to it!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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