Would You Do It Wednesday?

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So I was reading USA Today yesterday (*) and came across an interesting poll. It asked: “Would you give a total stranger 24/7 access to your computer in exchange for a million dollars?”. They polled both men and women and 60% of the men said no, they wouldn’t, while 80% of the women said they wouldn’t give a stranger access.

I am going to assume that they are not talking about giving a stranger access to steal all of your financial information / identity / credit cards / etc. and instead just take it to mean that you are allowing someone to read your e-mails, message board postings, google searches, web pages viewed, various letters or whatever other documents you have saved, etc.

So would you do it?  For the record, I would.  I am pretty sure that “someone” (Google or U-Verse) already has access to most of that information anyways, so what’s the difference?  And it’s not all that interesting anyways.  And while a million dollars might not be “that much” money to some people, it’s a lot to me!  I can’t wait to hear what you all would do!

(*) The actual hard copy newspaper. Not online.  Amazing.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Karissa

    For a million bucks, yes!

  2. Dani

    I would totally do it!! Nothing to hide here!

  3. Amanda

    For a million bucks, hells yes! Like you said, Google or someone else probably already has access to all of it, so as long as they aren’t stealing my identity, I’m all for it!

  4. Briana

    That’s crazy! Do 80% of women have that much to hide?! I’d do it in a heartbeat!

    1. Jennifer

      They must! What are they googling and why am I so boring??

  5. karen

    Nothing on my computer that a cool million couldn’t replace. Now to find someone willing to make the offer.

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