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He was where??

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So when I said in my Weekend Wrap-Up post that B was “doing his own thing” on Sunday night, I skipped a few of the important details about that. Sometimes doing his own thing is watching tv in the basement. Sometimes it cutting the lawn. And sometimes it is flying to Italy. The latter was case last week ;).

Yep, so B spent the week in Italy and L and I stayed home and played trains (what else?). Lots of people ask why I (and L for that matter) don’t travel with B when he goes to places like Italy or Germany or wherever for business. Trust me, it sounds good in theory, but in real life? Nope. It just doesn’t make sense for us. Maybe some day, but not now. We certainly wouldn’t have enjoyed our luggage getting lost on the way there like B’s did, or the numerous delays he encountered on the way home. Something tells me that toddlers and 24 hours of traveling don’t mix.

B did get a chance to see some of the local sites, including the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the beach and most importantly, the inside of a shop that sold designer sunglasses. He knows that I sort of collect sunglasses and picked out a pair all on his own (that’s not exactly true, but he didn’t need my help, so I consider it on his own). And I love them! And L got the cutest little t-shirt, which he loves and wore right away. We sure did miss B and are super glad to have him back home with us. But I am sure that it’s only a matter of time before he’s off “doing his own thing” again.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!