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Weekend Wrap-up: 4th of July Edition!

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Sorry for the lack of posts, but we have been busy having fun up-north (have I ever explained “up-north” on here?).  Here’s a recap:


We headed up late Friday afternoon.  Of course, we saved all of our packing until the last minute, threw our bags in the car, ran a few errands and then we were off.  About 45 minutes into our trip, I realized we forgot our up-north house key.  Oops.  No way were we turning around.  Good thing we know people ;).  We wanted to try and beat some of rush of cars heading north, but as you can see, we didn’t really succeed.  No matter though, we grabbed some Rolo McFlurries and made a stop at the Pottery Barn Outlet to stretch our legs and continued on.  We made it in time for L(*) to play a little and Buddy to get a little swimming in.

We went out to breakfast on Saturday morning and then spent the rest of the day playing. We ran up to the Hardware Store for lunch (for real) and then headed back to play more.The weather was amazing and we played and played and played.  We threw rocks in the water and swam and went boating and L even took his first jet-ski ride.  We cooked Hobo pies over the bonfire for dinner, which were amazing.  We made pizza ones and cheeseburger ones.  L was still awake when he fireworks started, so I got him out of bed and let him watch them too.  I love summer!


Sunday was more of the same.  L played like crazy in the water.  I don’t think we left the house once.  And I didn’t realize it until after dinner since we were having so much fun. We have cable up-north, so I was able to check in on the Casey Anthony trial every once in a while.  I hate being out of touch with the world when I am on vacation.  Buddy played just as hard as L did and by the end of the night, he could barely move.  Baxter was more active than normal and acted even more exhausted than his normal self.  We got to see even more fireworks over the lake after dark too.  Some people really go all out!  And check out that rainbow cloud we saw over the lake.  How beautiful is that?  My Grandma is over 90 years old and said she’s never seen anything like it.

We started off the day up-north.  We left after breakfast to try and avoid the holiday traffic, but not before L got to throw more rocks in the lake.  He pretty much can’t get enough of throwing rocks in the water.  After what seemed like a quick drive home (it was way quicker than the ride up), we got home and played more.  I do not know how he stays in such a good mood all the time, even on so little sleep, but he does!  By dinnertime we were all exhausted, so we had a picnic dinner in the living room (blanket on the floor and all), complete with my attempt at patriotic strawberries, and plan to just relax until bedtime.

Hope everyone had a great weekend too.  What did you do for the 4th?

(*) It was Hawaiian day at school.  Don’t make fun of his outfit.  He loved it!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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