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Weekend Wrap-Up!

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Friday Night:

Friday night we decided to go out for Mexican (B’s suggestion).  As luck would have it, we also got stopped by a train, which L totally loved.  I used to think trains were nothing more than an inconvenience, however, seeing the excitement in L’s eyes when we see one makes me wish we got stopped more often.  I spent most of dinner time staring at B’s beard and wishing I could make it go away.  After dinner and after L’s went to bed, B and I settled in and watched Say Yes to the Dress: ATL!  I love the south!  I also tried to do my nails with Sally Hanson Salon Effects.  It did not go well.  Maybe because I thought it would take 2 seconds it put them all on and it was way more of a process.  I need to try it again before I can provide a fair review.


Saturday started off with the delivery of our new refrigerator(*) (for the basement) and then we headed to L’s swimming lessons.  We spent much of the afternoon playing outside, which included B and L launching a (play) rocket.  And that led to a long and unsuccessful search thru the fields to find the rocket.  We ran some errands and did a little shopping and called it a day.  Oh, and Baxter doesn’t Baxter look cute in that bandana?  He loves dressing up!


Sunday was another day of fun.  We played in the sprinkler and resumed the hunt for the missing rocket.  After a long search, B located it like 40 rows in, in the corn fields.  LOL. We also tried to make a soda rocket, but didn’t have much luck.  L and I also did some painting, which is always fun.  We also had a few visitors on Sunday, which L loved!  We ended the day with tacos (again B’s idea) and I watched Primetime with Jaycee Dugard. She is one amazing woman!

What’d you do this weekend??

(*) The refrigerator arrived with a dent in it.  I’m curious, has anyone ever gotten appliances or furniture delivered with no issues??
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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