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Weekend Wrap-Up!

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Well, it’s Monday and that means another weekend has come to an end. Let’s recap!

Friday Night:
Friday feels like forever ago and I can’t recall exactly what we did? I do know that L and I did some running around and were having a good time until his head pretty much started spinning around, Linda Blair style. It was only later that I learned that there was a full moon that night. Makes total sense now! We had dinner (couldn’t remember what it was if you paid me) at home and pretty much just relaxed (I think).


Saturday morning started off early, but we were pleased that L was in a fabulous mood and the head spinning was totally over ;). After breakfast, B took L to his swim lesson and I set off to do some hoarding shopping. I got home at the same time as the boys and we spent the rest of the morning playing. L is super into playing catch, so he and I alternated between that and choo-choos (always a favorite).  We had lunch at the salad place (*), which I totally love and then went to our favorite greenhouse / nursery so that B could use his Father’s Day gift card.  With all of our coupons and giftcards and the sales they had, we didn’t spend a penny and walked out of there with $165 in “stuff”.  Plus, L got to see the pond fish he loves so much.  B bought a composter and could not wait to get home and get composting!  I’m going to do a separate composting post, so I’ll save all that for later.  After a little more playing, we hit up a new local store on my SIL’s recommendation. The store has the most hysterical things, including a grenade whistle.  B and I were cracking up.  L got a shovel (and a pink one at that), I got a giant cookie mold and B got the longest Twizzlers I have ever seen.  All for $9?  We headed to the fancy side of town for dinner (L napped on the way there.  Could he have looked any cuter?) and a little TCBY (we need more fro-yo places in the Midwest) and then visited my brother and sister-in-law, who live within walking distance of fro-yo.  Could I be any more jealous? Anyways, L loves their dogs.  And cats. And fish.  The dogs love him back, but the other animals just tolerate him.  Or run and hide.  He pretty much made himself right at home and I think he would have spent the entire night sitting on the couch with Uncle B, watching Swamp Loggers.  But sadly for him, the fun had to end because it was bedtime! B and I spent the rest of the evening watching Source Code (thumbs down) and the Storage Wars marathon (is it Wednesday yet?).

Sunday started off just as early as Saturday, but once again, everyone was in a good mood, so that’s all that matters.  I’d rather get up at 7am and be surrounded by happy people than wake up at 9am surrounded by a bunch of crabby people :).  As a side note, I pretty much do whatever I can to get L back on track in the morning if he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.  A happy morning leads to a happy day.  We had breakfast at my favorite spot and then came home and cleaned out the garage.  I immediately took it upon myself to clean the trash bin (don’t be jealous of my glamourous morning) because when I do lose the garbage game, I want to make sure I’m not grossed out.  In between helping me spray things down with the hose (yeah, I pretty much ended up soaked), L played with his sand table and in his pool.  He claimed he didn’t want to go in the pool, so he didn’t wear his swim trunks.  But of course, after getting his shorts a little wet, he was rolling around in the pool with his clothes on (and still didn’t want to change).  Whatever.  After lunch we played inside to escape the afternoon heat and I got a little organizing in.  Do you think I have too much BB&W hand soap ;)?  Someone stop me next time I want to go in there.  B made some chicken kabobs for dinner with the first veggies of the year from our garden!  We planted our garden from seed and actually planted it late in the season and somehow it is growing like crazy.  Next year we need to grow the same amount of stuff in like 3x the space! Oh, and B also made us some “fruit water” using our new beverage dispenser (one of my Target clearance finds – $4.99)!  It was just like being at the spa. After another swim in the pool – L (again fully clothed) and another trip to Target – me, it was bedtime!  I spent the rest of the evening watching Big Brother and RHONJ, while B watched some dumb movie in the basement.

It was another great weekend here and we are preparing for a HOT week!  How was your weekend?  Did you do anything exciting??

(*) It actually has a name, but we just call it salad place. It’s fitting since it’s a place to get salads.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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