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Weekend Wrap-Up!

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Well, it’s Monday morning and that means it’s time to look back on the weekend and remember all the fun we had.


On Friday, L and the furries and I played choo-choos while B cooked dinner.  I swear, choo-choos never get old for L.  After a picnic dinner, (complete with s’mores bars), we finally got a chance to play outside a little bit, so we took total advantage.  We were so tired of being stuck in the house and were glad to get outside for a bit.  L did some driving while B and I enjoyed a nice walk.  After we got home, we played in the backyard and B checked out the garden.  We have so much stuff growing!!  After L went to bed, B and I watched Limitless, which, uhh, I do not recommend.  I hate movies that don’t really have an end to them.  I want my movie plots to be wrapped up in a nice bow at the end so I never have to think about them again.  B says bows are boring.  He gave them movie a thumbs up.



Saturday started off with swimming lessons, which L was totally excited for.  He claimed he wasn’t going to go underwater, but of course, he went under like 10 times. I was so proud.  We came back home and played for awhile and then headed out to lunch (PotBelly’s) and to the mall.  L kept heading back to the kids shoe section at Nordstrom, and all but said he wanted to try on shoes, so that’s what we did!  I love that he loves Nordstrom (and shoes) just like his parents!  After the mall we stopped by a kids event at a local store to let L blow off a little steam and then headed on to the grocery store. Somehow picking up a few things for dinner turned into a full on grocery shopping trip.  L ate his weight in grapes and picked out some pretty flowers (we always let him pick out which ones to get) while we shopped.  And I ran into some Towne Club “pop” that I used to drink when I was a kid!  I didn’t even know they still made it.  B grilled us a great dinner and we played outside before L’s bedtime.  B and I spent the rest of the evening watching trashtastic tv (The 650 Pound Virgin and My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding) and doing computer stuff.



I don’t know what got into my boys on Sunday morning, but L slept in until 8am (WTF?) and then B offered to make me breakfast.  He even heated up the syrup for me.  Again, WTF?  It was a good start to the day that’s for sure.  I spent the rest of the morning reorganizing the basement storage room (that’s the before picture) and playing choo-choos with L.  We pretty much played choo-choos ALL day.  Sometimes in the basement, sometimes in the kitchen and sometimes in the playroom.  I am all choo-choo’ed out.  I’m pretty sure I have played choo-choos everyday for the last 2 years!  I made dinner, including Sponge Bob edamame.  After L’s bedtime, lit a candle, watched RHONJ (loves it) and did some blogging while B did his own thing.

It was another very fun weekend here and we are totally already looking forward to next weekend!  Is it Friday yet??  What’d you do this weekend?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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