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So What Wednesday

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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if..

  • I sometimes listen to sports talk radio in the car.  I canceled my Sirius subscription because they have the worst customer service ever, so I just don’t have as many choices as I used too.
  • I was super excited to get some new Sponge Bob books in the mail last week for L.  He has been wanting some new ones and I like the books way better than the tv show (B and L both watch it in awe).
  • Buddy has to go greet everyone he sees.  He runs up to them, waits for them to pet him and then sprints back to us.  He also can scale a pile of dirt like no ones business.  People have commented on it.  That and his watchful eye on L.  He never lets L out of his sight when we are outside.
  • Our new neighbor’s roof is like two feet from L’s bathroom window.  Whatever. We didn’t want to look out there anyways.  LOL.
  • I want to smack Ashley on RHONJ.  What is wrong with that girl?
  • I sometimes want to ban the word “why” from L’s vocabulary.  Being curious is fabulous and I’d never want to stop that, but there are just some things that 3 year-olds will never get.
  • I returned a L’s Target step-stool that got recalled, but I didn’t want to.  It was perfect for him.  But safety comes first.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week??
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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