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Weekend Wrap-Up

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Monday can only mean one thing. The end of another super fun weekend! Here is what we were up to:


On Friday L informed B that he wanted “a cheese sandwich with burger and bacon” for dinner. NOT a bacon cheeseburger. I was cracking up when B told me about this. I am pretty sure that he has never had a bacon cheeseburger before, so I have no clue where he got this from? They decided that we would go to 5 Guys for dinner, so we did. After our meal, we played outside and checked out the garden (do you think that’s a watermelon or a pumpkin?) and chased L around the block while he drove his car.  We also checked out the new construction house in the neighborhood and spent some time talking some other neighbors and playing in the dirt.  We pretty much had to drag L inside for a bath and bedtime!  B and I spent the rest of the evening watching “The Walk Back”, which was good, but long.  Although, it is a long walk from Siberia to India, so I guess that is to be expected.


I woke up Saturday morning feeling refreshed and looked at the clock and realized it was just past 8am. I bolted out of bed to check on L, since he pretty much never sleeps past 8am. Never. All was well so I headed back to bed. He came in our room a little later and snuggled with B for awhile before we got up for the day. After L’s swimming class, he hung out at Nana’s house (where she put in to work) while B and I went to the casino to pick up our free gift and then to IKEA (more on that in a separate post). Before picking up L, we stopped at got some cupcakes because IKEA wore us out!  We spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside with some of L’s friends that came over and climbing on dirt piles.  We had dinner at home and then did more playing outside.  After L went to bed, I went to Target because sometimes it’s just nice to go to there alone to roam around with no boys telling me to hurry up ;).

L slept in past 8am again on Sunday, which was awesome.  It was kind of rainy out, so we spent the morning playing choo-choos and doing some organizing with our new IKEA stuff.  After lunch we decided to brave the elements and met with with my brother and SIL at an event down in the D.  L had a great time playing on the bounce houses and we all enjoyed learning a bit about the history of the D.  Since we were in the area, we decided to swing by Mexicantown to grab dinner.  We totally had no intention of going out to dinner, but we were right there!  We spent the rest of the night playing choo-choos and preparing for the week!  Oh and throw a little RHONJ in there too.

Once again, we had another great weekend (are they ever bad).  Now you tell me, what did you do this weekend?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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