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Weekend Wrap-Up!

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We had a semi busy weekend around here and loved every minute of it! Here is what we were up to:

By the time Friday night rolled around, we realized we had no food in the house for dinner. Oops. So we headed out to one of our favorite local spots and enjoyed a meal out. This place has the most amazing bread and crab dip that they bring you with every meal. I think L ate three pieces of it, the continued to polish off his meal without a problem. And he even got to pick a prize out of the treasure chest, which he always loves. After dinner, we went to Target and I picked up some more drawer organization pieces and used a bunch of freebie coupons I had. Once we got home, we played outside a little before L headed to bed and B headed out for a run. B let me pick our weekend movie and we watched Something Borrowed, which I totally loved!! And I love B for watching a chick flick with me, even though I know he hated it.


Saturday morning was L’s last swim class and he had a great time! They turned on the slides and fountains and splash area during the last ten minutes of classes and just let the kids play, which was unexpected and totally fun. After class we stopped by the indoor tree house at L’s request and then made a small grocery shopping trip. We came home and played (choo-choos of course) while B went off to an appointment. I made us all lunch and then we played even more. We ran (okay, so it was more like a mini road trip) back to IKEA to pick up another bookcase and L loved looking around at everything. We made it home in time just before it started storming like crazy. We had dinner at home (I am addicted to B’s pasta) and assembled some of our new IKEA stuff. L loved helping B build everything!  I tried to talk B into watching gymnastics after L went to bed, but I was denied and we caught up on our DVR stuff instead.  Still, a good night since I did get some organizing in! ;).


Sunday started off a little earlier than it should have.  L was having a bad dream and woke up fearful that “Momma gonna give my choo-choos Jersey and Nevada (aka my brother and SIL’s dogs)”. Really L?? I was cracking up and we assured him that this would not be happening.  We spent the morning playing, doing a fun project and a few chores while B finished cutting the grass.  A bit after lunch, L finally decided it was time to go to the fair. We watched the tractor pull (you can take B out of the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of B) and had a great time visiting with the animals.  Do all kids talk to the animals like they are friends?  Because L sure does!  We also played some carnie games and L won a goldfish!  He had no idea what the prize was if you got the ball in the little cup and man was he thrilled to get a fish.  He insisted on carrying it for the rest of the fair and held it carefully for most of the ride home.  We made a quick stop for dinner and then ran to the grocery store to get some fish food for “Gunggo”.  I got Gunggo’s fish tank ready while the L went on a little joyride in his caddy.  L is now in bed and I am watching Big Brother (I’m on Team Jeff and Jordan) and am totally looking forward to the new RHONJ tonight!

How was your weekend?  I hope it was a great one!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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