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As Seen on TV

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I don’t know what has taken me so long, but I feel it’s time I share my love for infomercials and the products they sell. Here are my current favorites:

Slushy Magic: I saw a commercial for this over the weekend and it was pretty much love at first sight. Does it really turn liquids into yummy frozen drinks in seconds? I don’t know what snowflake magic is and I think those ice cubes looked just a tad weird, but this baby is going on my Christmas list. Anything that could let just shake up a vodka lemonade in seconds is for sure for me.

Magic Mesh: The first time I saw this trashy screen door I thought who in their right mind would buy this crap? And then I keep watching and determined that not only would I be the person to buy it, but I NEEDED it. Between L, Baxter and Buddy, our screens are trashed. Baxter has been know to run directly into the screen door thinking that it’s open. But with the magic mesh, this wouldn’t be an issue! He could run right through and it would close behind him. Genius.

Gyro Bowl: I have wanted this bowl since the second I saw it. I actually went to the As Seen on TV store in search of it once, but they didn’t have it yet. L is too old for it now (he could probably take it apart in two seconds), but I might need one for myself. I tend to take a mess and this might just be able to solve it for me!

Space Bags: This is old, but I still watch the infomercial every time it comes on my screen. I want to grab my credit card, order and start sucking the air out my sweaters and pillows right away. But something has stopped me and I don’t know what it is? I don’t want to wait for it to arrive, I want to have it NOW. Just think of all the space I could have if I could store my winter jackets and stuff in this magic bags……

So what infomercial products (old or new) do you love?? Have you ever ordered one? Tell me all about it!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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