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Weekend Wrap-Up: Labor Day Edition

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Well, it’s official. Summer is over. But it was a great one and we were happy to get one more fun summer weekend in!

We headed up-north around lunchtime on Friday. We picked up lunch on the way, made a few stops and got up-north in decent time. My brother and SIL and their dogs (who L LOVES) were already up and L was super excited to see everyone.  We played in the water for a few hours before heading out to dinner.  We hit up the local hotspot and had some delicious burgers.  This is the kind of place that doesn’t even have a menu.  They assume you have been there before and know what you want.  And 99.9% of people do! After dinner, my aunt and uncle and cousin Matt came over.  Pretty much to see L I think. Who can blame them?  L feel asleep fairly quickly and B and I were soon to follow! Something about all that fresh air makes me exhausted.


Saturday morning started off early (what do you expect with 4 dogs and a 3 year-old in one house).  B and I made everyone breakfast (no really, I helped) and we spent most of the morning watching it POUR outside.  Actually, that’s a lie.  We had a mini Apple convention. 4 iPads, 4 iPhones, 3 macBooks, and iPod touch in one room.  And there were only seven of us ;).  After lunch, we headed to my cousins house and L broke out the choo-choos we found there!  He couldn’t have been more thrilled and we basically had to drag him away when it was time to go home.  But he wasn’t disappointed for long.  The rain had ended and we spent the rest of the afternoon on the boat watching L tube.  L wanted him to fall off that tube in the worst way.  It was hysterical.  He kept yelling “fall off Daddy, just do it, fall off”.  I was cracking up.  We had hobo pies for dinner and spent the rest of the night playing horseshoes, playing in the water and getting super dirty in the sand box.  L also entertained his cousins by telling them all the naughty words he knows ;).  It was a good day for sure!


It was a little chilly on Sunday morning.  But it was sunny, so we headed out on the boat to get some tubing in.  B and my brother both went and again, L wanted them to fall off in the worst way!  We tried to talk L into tubing, but he wasn’t having it.  He did sit on the tube though, so that was a start.  Maybe next year!  My brother and SIL and the big dogs headed home around lunchtime and I know L was sad to see them go.  Baxter and Buddy, on the other hand, were thrilled and could finally relax a little.  Buddy spent the weekend getting followed around by a dog 4x his size, while Baxter spent the weekend trying to keep everyone in line.  It may be hard to believe it, but he is the alpha dog.  At L’s request, we went back to my cousins house so we could play more choo-choos (and hang out with his up-north buddies, Gavin and Ellen).  After some visiting and some playtime, we brought G & E (and the choo-choos) back to our house.  There was more playing, more tubing and more hobo pies!  B also made pizza burgers, which are his newest creation. We decided to head home after dinner to avoid some of the Labor Day traffic and also because we knew it was going to be freezing on Monday!  L stayed up for most of the ride home and didn’t fall asleep until we were like 30 minutes from home (it’s a 3 and a 1/2 hour ride).  The furries were pretty much asleep in 20 minutes and were out the rest of the ride home.  We all came home and just crashed.  L didn’t even stir when I carried him up to bed.  B and I left the car packed (we NEVER do this) and went straight to bed.  For some reason, my sinuses were killing me up-north and I had the worst headache.  That fresh air and I do NOT get along.

B let me sleep in until almost 9am on Monday and I loved it.  We spent the morning watching Rio (we all loved it) and pretty much just being lazy.  Perfect.  We had PotBelly’s for lunch (my pick) and ran some errands, including a fun trip to Toys R Us so someone could get a new choo-choo.  And play the crane game.  L wanted to go to “Playground Donalds” (aka McDonalds with a Playscape), but I told him it was closed since some kid threw up in it.  So yeah, I totally made that up.  Hey, what can I say, he’s just getting over his last illness and I’d prefer he didn’t get a fresh one right away.  We spent the rest of the day playing choo-choos and watching Sponge Bob.  It was a great lazy day.  And, with L’s help, I even got some fall decorations up!  L went to bed early (he’s had a busy weekend) and I am relaxing on the couch with some trashy tv (Bachelor Pad and RHOBH).  The perfect end to the perfect weekend!

So what did you do this weekend?  Whatever it was, I hope it was great.  And good luck to all the kids / teachers on their first day of school tomorrow!!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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