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Celeb Gossip

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We haven’t talked about celeb gossip in a while here, so we’ve got lots of catching up to do! Let’s get started:

Demi & Ashton: What in the world is going on here. Did he cheat? Are they getting divorced? Was Demi’s cryptic twitter message meant for him? Whatever it was it was a huge vaguebook and very childish. I really could care less if they are getting divorced or not. Just announce it already.
Real Housewives of New York: So, yep, four housewives got the boot. See you later Jill Zarin, Alex McCord, Kelly Bensimon and Cindy Barshop. Or not. I wouldn’t mind if none of them every appeared on my tv screen again. RHONY has totally fallen off the wagon in the last few seasons. Once Bethenny left it started to suck. I can only hope the replacements will be interesting, otherwise RHONY will end up just as RHODC did! Gone for good!
Jessica Simpson: Is she pregnant? Not pregnant? Going to ditch that loser she’s engaged to, but hasn’t set a wedding date with? I’m kind of hoping for the ditch that loser option. Seriously, he’s a load and I do not understand why those two are together. Or how they even met in the first place.
Teresa vs. Jacqueline: Now, I don’t hate Teresa by any means (I actually really like her), but I am inclined to believe Jacqueline on this one. But really, who cares if Melissa was a stripper? Not me. And I do think that Jacqueline should stay off twitter. Or pop some Xanax before she goes on crazy rants on there. While she may well be telling the truth, she looks like the insane one and Teresa looks normal because she is not going twitter crazy about the whole thing. Take a deep breathe Jacqueline and, if it doesn’t involve you, don’t make it your business.

That’s about all the celebrity gossip my brain can handle this early in the morning.  What do you think?  Are Demi and Ashton breaking up?  Only time (or People Magazine*) will tell!

* If it’s in People, it’s the truth. If it’s in US Weekly, Star, OK, Life & Style, In Touch, etc. you never know. I expect to see Demi on the cover of People in about two weeks….

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!