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Weekend Recap

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So this weekend was our long awaited Valentine’s Day trip to the casino. We were supposed to go last weekend, but we changed our reservations since we wanted to make sure L was all better. I don’t know who was more excited, L to spend the night at his Nana’s house or B and I to spend the night at the casino! I know Baxter and Buddy weren’t too excited to go to the pet resort to spend the night and get haircuts though.

Friday night we just stayed home and relaxed. B was still pretty sick, so L and I just played and let him rest. I even slept in the spare room (with Baxter) because B had a fever and still coughing like crazy. And no way do I want to catch that!  Luckily by morning he was feeling much better. So after laundry, baking and more choo-choo playing, off to the casino we went. I don’t think L even looked back at us when we dropped him off. He just thinks spending the night at my parents house is the coolest thing ever. And I am sure it is. He does whatever he wants, goes out to dinner and then comes back, plays more, and has ice cream. What’s not to like?

I think I have reviewed the MGM Grand Detroit on here before. Not much has changed. We dumped our bags in our comp’ed room (*) and headed off to gamble. The casino was pretty crowded, but still fun as always! We ate an early dinner at Wolfgang Puck’s (**) and then gambled a bit more before heading back to the room. I think we were both upstairs by 8pm. Yep, we know how to party! We rented Contraband on Pay-Per-View and we both really liked it. Since I waited till the last minute to book spa stuff, we ended up with 8am pedicures, so we went to bed after the movie. I could barely drag myself out of bed, but I totally needed that pedi and I am glad I did. Although, I have to say that the pedicure chairs (more like benches) in the Immerse Spa are the most uncomfortable seats ever. I almost passed out. Seriously. Before heading home, we did more gambling and had Sunday Brunch at Palette (**) (aka the buffet).

The dogs were pretty excited to see us, as was L (I think). We spent the rest of the afternoon playing choo-choos and board games (Candyland mainly). We watched the MSU-OSU basketball during dinner and got our hearts broken. Good thing the season isn’t over! L ended the weekend with a super long bath and we ended our weekend with The Amazing Race (I love that show).

It was a totally great weekend and it may have been our last trip to the casino before the baby comes. Maybe. We’ll see about that! What did you do this weekend??



(*) It must not be that hard to get a comp’ed room. High rollers we are NOT!
(**) Also free due to all our of “earnings” from gambling.  Free things do make losing money better.  I would prefer to win and get free things, but you can’t have it all.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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