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Freebie Fridays (A Day Late) ~ Hospital Edition

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If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, I am sure you know about my love for free stuff. And having a baby is a pretty good time to get some free stuff. My hospital is now “baby friendly”, so they no longer give out formula company freebies, but they still do have free stuff.  Like with L, we got the hat, comb and bathtub (that’s the blue tupperware like container), as well as, diapers, receiving blankets and whatever other random supplies we could get our hands on (the nurses encourage you to clean out your cart – I swear).  We also got the new standard baby friendly gift bag of a reusable tote and an insulated bag, which was stocked with samples, coupons, etc.  But the best freebie was the Halo Sleep Sack.  Technically this is NOT a freebie, but I took it anyways.  I guess they just recently started using them at the hospital and they aren’t stocked in the carts in the rooms.  A nurse brought us one to use and W got it dirty after a while and stopped wearing it.  I realized a few hours later that the new nurse on duty had no clue we’d gotten one of these, so I made B grab it and throw it in our bag.  So yeah, we stole it. Whatever.  Since no doctors were present for my delivery and I only stayed there one night, I deserved that swaddle sack ;).

So tell me, if you’ve recently had a baby, what freebies did you get??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!