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Random Ramblings…

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  • I have newborn fever.  I can’t get enough of little W.  I love seeing B look at W and listening to L talk to him and sing to him.  There is just something about having a newborn in the house.  It makes me want to have more babies asap.  If you would have asked me a week ago (aka while I was still pregnant) about having more babies, I would have looked at you like you had two heads.  But now?  Now I couldn’t imagine NOT having another one.  Check with me again in about 6 months to see how I am feeling then.
  • I have been drinking Diet Pepsi like crazy since I had W.  I cannot get enough of it.  I for sure need to cut back.  But I just don’t want too…..  Maybe tomorrow. Or the next day…
  • L and his little neighbor friend discovered a birds nest in L’s look-out area (which oddly enough called the crows nest).  I asked them if they wanted to keep it or move it and warned them if they kept it, they wouldn’t really be able to play up there without a pissed off bird in their face.  They decided to keep it and now there are eggs in the nest.  They are SO excited and I can’t wait for them to see the baby birds!
  • Instead of going to bed at a decent time last night, I decided to stay up late and watch 16 & Pregnant.  B actually watched it with me too.  These shows blow my mind.  That chick’s mom was CRAZY!  And then her mom was rather normal and her baby daddy was CRAZY.  We also watched A Baby Story together (he’s off work all week).  I think watching the people on there makes him realize how not crazy I am.  Oh, and I also caught the first episode of RHONJ yesterday.  This looks to be the best season yet!
  • Buddy and Baxter are seriously the best dogs ever.  The addition of little W to the house hasn’t even phased them.  They are enjoying his Boppy pillow though. Had I known, I would have left it out for them to use the last few years!
  • B somehow avoided the camera during most of the Tough Mudder.  I could only find three pictures he was in.  I don’t have time to look through all 20,000 that are posted online, so these will have to do.  He is now talking about running in the World’s Toughest Mudder (which is basically completing the Tough Mudder course as many times as you can in 24 hours).  Umm, okay B.
  • I totally need to get back into couponing.  I used to save a ton of money grocery shopping.  But lately things have been busy and I have been slacking.  No more! I’ll never be on Extreme Couponing, but I will for sure be saving some cash!
  • I finally picked the winners of the Benefit giveaway!!!  I was a little busy when the drawing ended 😉 and finally remembered I needed to do it.  So, the winners are….
  • #2
    Erika says:

    “I’m really into lip gloss right now – trying a fun new color would be awesome 

    and #11

    Hilary says:

    “I always love your Target finds. I love the ‘They’re Real’ mascara but need to branch out and try other goodies!!”

    I decided to throw in $25 Sephora gift cards too!!!  So congrats ladies.  I will be in touch!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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