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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if..
- I pushed out a baby and the most sore part of my body is my arm from the whooping cough vaccine I got in the hospital (those commercials scare me). Oh, my hands are actually a hot mess too. Damn IV’s (that both didn’t work).
- I am considering flying out to California to check on Jessica Simpson and see if she’s had that baby yet. I do not understand how it is possible she is still pregnant. I really hope she reappears in a few weeks holding a 5 month old baby, having lost 100 pounds. I’d like to think (for her sake) she’s been messing with us all these months. Otherwise she has to be the most uncomfortable person on earth.
- The only part I do not like about having a newborn is that the house is cluttered with newborn stuff. I am talking playard, swing, bouncy seat, etc. So much crap. I enjoy the lack of sleep more than a cluttered house.
- I cannot stop eating pretzel M&M’s. I don’t think I had one the entire time I was pregnant because they just didn’t sound good. But now, now my love for them is back. I actually do need to sop eating them because they make me feel sick.
- I am proud that L is so good at Wii bowling. He kicked B’s butt twice yesterday while I was making dinner (umm, yeah, I made dinner AGAIN). Nothing like creating a video game addict nice and early.
- I put a bottle of stain remover next to L and W’s laundry baskets so I can spray the clothes as I throw them in the baskets instead of trying to remember to do it when I throw them in the wash. I am pretty sure many other people do this, but I still feel like a genius.
- I had a dream the other night that I got to go in the back room at Target. Sadly, this actually is very exciting to me.
So what are you saying so what to this week???