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Memorial Weekend Recap

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We headed up-north (*) on Friday morning for the Memorial Day weekend.  Instead of boring you with details of my entire weekend (I am sure you could care less), I’ll just do a quick recap. Umm, and these pictures are in no order.

1. B and I snuck out of the house by ourselves late Sunday night and went to the bar for about an hour.  You know you are in a small town when you can get 5 beers (what?  we were thirsty), two burgers and fries for $21.
2. A new toy arrived at the cottage on Friday and L fell in love.  He went on a jet-ski ride last summer and was too scared to go to far.  Umm, not this year!  All he wanted to do all weekend was ride that thing!  Me?  I went on it a few times and even drove it once (and scared the crap out of Bryan).
3. Baxter and I had a enjoyable ride up-north catching up on our trashy magazines. So much easier to read them on your iPad then to drag eight million magazines around!  And yeah, Baxter sat on my lap the entire ride up.  Buddy sat on Bryan’s lap while he drove.
4. Buddy loves boat rides.  And where L is, Buddy is.  Baxter also enjoys boat rides, but he just curls up on a towel and sleeps.  Buddy and L run up and down the boat, changing seats non-stop.
5. B and I also went fishing one night.  B baited my hook, but I was the only one to catch a fish.  It was HUGE (**) and B was jealous.
6. L went on one more jet ski ride before we left yesterday morning and stopped at my Aunt and Uncle’s house (which is on the same lake) for breakfast!  I think that B and L will be riding there for breakfast every morning.
7.  In addition to jet skiing, L is also in love with tubing.  Last summer he didn’t want to go at all.  This summer he loves it.  And thinks he is hot stuff because he didn’t fall off.  B said it was hard for him to stay on with L since they were going SO SLOW.
8.  And I can’t forget about my sweet W.  What did he do this weekend?  Umm, not much. He’s a great traveler (like L) and slept nicely in the car and at night in a new place.  He also got held 99% of the weekend, which I know he loves!

What did you do this weekend??  Hope you enjoyed the holiday!




(*) Up-north applies to any location in Northern Michigan. So if someone says they are going up-north, it could be anywhere up there. No one cares exactly where you are going. Chances are its somewhere with a lake.
(**) Okay, it was only like two pounds, but B was pretty annoyed that I caught a fish and he didn’t!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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