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Things People Google

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I realize I haven’t done this in a while and it’s totally overdue. So, here is what people have googled to land them on my blog.

Suburban Mom Wife Pan-ties(*): This one is my favorite. What in the world was this person looking for??? Wait, don’t answer that, I pretty much know. I am 100% sure I never used the word “pan-ties”(*) in a post, but it turns out that pants is a substitute on google for “pan-ties”. Good to know.

Max and Ruby Max Annoyed Face: I get a lot of hits from searches relating to Max and Ruby. Most people are looking for their parents (CPS should really get involved with these two), but some are also looking for max and ruby clothes (is this also the name of some designer and I just don’t know it?). To answer this searchers question (if that’s what it is), Max always looks annoyed because Ruby is such a bossy b*tch.

Why is Jen so dumb?: I am not sure they were looking for the answer to why I am so dumb or why some other chick named Jen is so dumb? I tag the posts I talk about my dumbness in, so it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out why I am dumb. I think Jen Aniston is dumber than I am though. No real reason why. Just because.

I hate Suburban Moms: I am pretty sure you are not the only one my friend. Sometimes I do too.

How do you color coordinate crayons?: Really? I mean really? Put the blue crayons with the blue crayons, the green ones with the green and so on. Its not rocket science.

And finally:
Does Target stock pink M&M’s?: No. But they do stock pretzel M&M’s and they are WAY better than plain M&M’s, even if they are pink. Buy the party size bag. You’ll thank me later. And if you hate them, I think I could find them a new home ;).




(*) I added the “-” so this post would not draw additional creeps to my blog.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!