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Best of….. Reality Show Quotes

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So I was watching RHONJ on my DVR last night and was cracking up everything Teresa talked. I loved when she said that her brother suggested they go see a “physical therapist” to work out their issues. LOL. And it got me thinking about all the other gems that have been said on reality tv. I have so many favorites it was hard to narrow it down. Can you guess who said these and / or what show they were on?

  1. “I prefer the wooly balls.”
  2. “We’re beatin’-up-the-beat, that’s what we say when we’re doing our fist pump.  First, we start off by banging the ground, we’re banging it as the beat builds ‘cause that beat’s hittin’ us so we’re fightin’ back, it’s like we beat up that beat.”
  3. “My love tank is empty.”
  4. “Love should be multiplied, not divided.”
  5. “Is this chicken what I have, or is this fish? I know it’s tuna, but it says ‘Chicken of the Sea.'”
  6. “Men don’t push babies around its just an embarrassment, you’d look like a joke…”
  7. “While you and Kief-uhr are out having a la-di-da time I’m bustin’ my balls trying to survive and you steal my credit caaaahrds.”
  8. “It’ll be like having a baby doll to dress up everyday.”
  9. “I’m trying to live a more positive, holy life, but it takes work. It’s hard not sinning, you know?”
  10. “Tonight is the night I reveal myself to Ashley.”

How many did you guess correctly (see below for the answers)?  And let’s hear your favorite reality tv quotes!




1. Tim Gunn – Project Runway. 2. Pauly D – Jersey Shore  3. Vicki G. – RHOC  4. Kody on Sister Wives. 5. Jessica Simpson – Newlyweds. 6. Some traveler guy on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. 7. Barbara (Jenelle’s mom) – Teen Mom 2.  8. Some twit on 16 & Pregnant.   9. Spencer Pratt – The Hills. 10. Jeff the idiot who wore the mask on Ashley’s season of The Bachelorette.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!