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Is It Normal?

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1. Is it normal to pretend you didn’t already know about someone/something via Facebook when it comes up in a “real life” conversation with that person?
Hmm, I am going to say that yeah, this is normal.  Kind of like when you hear gossip about someone and then they mention it and you play dumb like huh, I didn’t know you just got arrested for drunk driving.  

2.  Is it normal to “fart and walk away?”
Considering that I live with a bunch of boys, this is totally normal.  So normal to the point that no one even walks away.  They just laugh. 

3.  Is it normal to spy on your neighbors?
Oh, this is so totally normal.  Doesn’t everyone spy on their neighbors?  People with no neighbors are really missing out.  And for the record I am aware my neighbors are spying on me.  And I do not care.

4. Is it normal to read your boyfriend’s/husband’s texts?
This is not normal.  At least I don’t do it. I am guessing B doesn’t text about anything super interesting anyways?  And if he does, I guess I am missing out?  Maybe if he never let the phone out of sight I would be more interested in his texts?  Although if that was the case, I probably wouldn’t have even married him.

5. Is it normal to compulsively check social media for notifications?
I’m going with yes. I’m not sure what exactly I want to be notified about, but Facebook does make the 4am / 5am feeding way more interesting.  In that time I also check Instagram and Twitter.  So get posting tonight.  Oh and I will be the first to admit this shouldn’t be normal!

6.  Is it normal for a 20-something woman to listen to Rap/Hip Hop?
I hate to say it, but I am not a 20-something anymore.  But I do like me some gansta rap every once in a while, so yeah, this is normal.  

7.  Is it normal to take toiletries from a hotel?
Hello, yes this is normal!  When I stay somewhere that has super fabulous products, I have been known to request more be brought to my room.  That last part may not be normal.

8.  Is it normal for your dog to sleep in your bed?
Oh yeah, this is normal.  Baxter and Buddy sleep in our bed.  Buddy has been sleeping in L’s bed lately, which I think L loves.  I am not sure how people get their dogs to sleep in dog beds on the floor or whatever, but sometimes, when Buddy curled up next to me UNDER the covers, I wish I was them.

9.  Is it normal to taste test grapes out of the bag at the grocery store?
Bahaha, yes this is also normal.   I don’t so much test them as just flat out eat them if I am hungry.  I believe that during one trip to the store, L ate about 1/2 the bag before we even left the store.

10.  Is it normal for men to shape their eyebrows?
This is a tough one.  My husband gets his eyebrows waxed, but I do not think a lot of men do it?   So I am guessing no, it’s not normal?  But it totally should be!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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