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Is That Normal?

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I came across a fun new link-up over at Just Chalk in the Rain called “Is That Normal” and decided to play along.

1.  Is it normal to Google yourself?  Oh, this is totally normal.  Totally.  I google myself every few weeks to see if there any contests I have won and don’t know about or anything else out there about me.  

2.  Is it normal to pretend you are stuck in traffic as an excuse for being late? For sure.  I may or may not have used this excuse a million times. 😉

3.  Is it normal to have told someone they have bad breath? Hmm, I’m going with no. Except if it’s like your husband.  It’s normal to back away or to offer them gum or mints, but to come right out and say it, no, that’s not normal.  It’s kind of rude.

4.  Is it normal to have worn the same undies 2 days in a row without washing them? This is NOT normal, but I can’t say it’s never happened.  It’s gross for sure.

5.  Is it normal to put baby powder in your hair to de-grease? Yeah, I’d guess this is normal.  I don’t do it since my hair is so dark (and baby powder is so white) and doesn’t get all greasy in a day, but in a pinch, I’d do it.  And I bet lots of other people do it too.

6.  Is it normal to have accidentally sent a nasty text/email to the person the e-mail/text was about?  LOL.  This is probably pretty normal.  I think I have done it??

7.  Is it normal to have lied to your doctor?  Yeah, this is normal.  It shouldn’t be, but it is. “No, I don’t drink more than 5 drinks in a week.” And “My pain level is a 10, can I get some drugs?” are likely lies told very frequently!

8.  Is it normal to go an entire week eating cereal for dinner? No, this is not normal unless you are in college.

9.  Is it normal to pull clothes out of the dirty laundry to wear? Oh yes, this is very normal.  I have done it on many occasions.  It seemed dirty at the time I threw it in the wash, but then when I realized I wanted to wear it again and it hadn’t been washed, it didn’t seem too dirty after a little perfume….. 

10.  Is it normal to re-gift a wedding gift? I think no.  I would imagine lots of unwanted gifts get donated or sold at garage sales (not that I would EVER do this), but re-gifting is too risky.  This serves as a good reminder during wedding season, if it’s not on the registry, don’t buy it. Better yet, give cash!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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