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Summer Fun Project #1 – Done!

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Since it’s 9,000 degrees here, we decided to make the backyard waterbed project I mentioned in my Summer To-Do List. As always, all ideas were stolen from Pinterest and all opinions are my own.

We (*) picked up plastic sheeting and duct tape at Lowe’s. The sheeting was $19 and included two sheets. And we got two rolls of pretty color duct tape (L’s pick). I believe they are 250 sq. feet per sheet?  I was going to use both sheets and make one huge waterbed, but after spreading one out, I knew there was no way, so I ended up using one sheet and folding it in half.  Since it was windy outside, I did all the taping inside.  Like an idiot, I taped all four sides together.  Before I put the water in.  Smart huh?  Whatever.  I just cut a hole in the corner and stuck the hose and food coloring (I used 4 little blue bottles) in.  Yeah, so the water was a pretty blue and I have smurf hands. L loved jumping on it and thought it was even more fun when it sprung a leak and water came gushing out! However, a giant waterbed is oddly refreshing without ever having to get wet. We loved this project and will for sure do it again! My tips would be to use LOTS of tape. Lots. And maybe wear gloves when using food coloring…..




(*) We meaning my mom and L.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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