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As Seen on TV: Kids Edition

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Just like his mom, L is addicted to as seen on tv crap products. Here are some of his favorites.

Ahh, Stompeez.  L wants these like you wouldn’t even believe.  The commercial comes on tv and he just stares in awe.  Mouth hanging open.  I don’t know what is so great about these, but L seems to think they are all that and more.  He doesn’t even wear slippers.  Like ever.  But he swears he’d wear these.  And we just may find out soon ;).

Bright Light Pillow
This has to be the stupidest idea ever? A pillow you lay on that lights up? That’s what I want. A pillow that will shine lights into my eyes when I lay down on it. Who invented this? L sure thinks it was a good idea. But then again he’s 4 and likes to sleep with the light on at night. And shine flashlights in his own face. He’s clearly not the authority on great ideas.

Squishy Baff
Squishy Baff is an as seen on item that we actually did purchase. And one of the very few that actually worked. And worked well. I reviewed it awhile back here. I wouldn’t call it a must have by any means, but it is super fun, not too messy and L loves it. And when he sees it on tv now, he’ll all excited because he already has it.

Happy Nappers

To me Happy Nappers is just another stuffed animal. To L, it’s more. A stuffed animal with a home.  I guess I would have liked this when I was 4 too?  And the commercial does make them look fun.  Well wait, those commercials make everything look fun.  But maybe it really is fun?  Why not just add one more to our insane stuffed animal collection??

Wuggle Pets
Now Wuggle Pets are right up my alley. Not only are they stupid, but also crafty. And I would bet it costs 10x to buy this kit than to buy a similar stuffed animal at the store. And you know what, I would get it just so that I could say I made it myself. It makes no sense I know.  So the minute L seriously asks for this, it’s his.  Then we will play with it for 10 minutes and never look at it again.  Sounds fun right?

Pawggles are very much like Stompeez in that they are slippers that look like animals, but instead of having their mouths open, Pawggles turn from a stuffed animal into slippers. Genius. Why didn’t I think about snuggling up with something that was just on my kid’s dirty feet?? I imagine it’d be like cuddling with a sock. A used one. Again, L wants these. But I think he likes Stompeez more.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!