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Friday iPhone Dump

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Yeah, so today is Saturday, not Friday. What’s your point?

1. My sweet little W had to get his 2 month shots this week.  And yeah, he’s almost 3 months old. I’m sort of behind.  In other W news, he’s been a complete jerk about eating lately.  And I finally discovered the reason.  He’s teething.  He looks to have two teeth popping through.  WTF kid?
2. Meet “Little Doggy”.  Not to be confused with L’s other best friend “Big Doggy”.  Little Doggy and Big Doggy get carried around by their necks a lot.  L also sleeps with his one arm tightly around each doggy’s neck.  They will be going in for neck stuffing surgery soon.  Fingers crossed for success!
3. I made B and I banana soft-serve and served it up in some fancy wine glasses.  I like to think our lives are always fancy like this ;), but sadly that’s far from the case.  We usually eat out of one of L’s IKEA bowls.
4. I ran into the cutest Skinny Girl display at the super fancy market.  It made me want to pull up a lawn chair with a bottle of Skinny Girl right there in the grocery store.
5. We have pumpkins growing in the garden and I can’t wait to see how big they get!  I am hoping for a monster pumpkin crop!
6. L is so sweet to little W.  He hangs out on the floor with him.  Helps him play with his toys, talks to him, etc.  I know I say it every week, but he’s so stinkin sweet!
7. I feel like W gets bored (or maybe I get bored for him), so when I busy doing something with L, I like to keep him entertained.  And what’s more entertaining than staring at yourself?
8. L “snuggles” Baxter around his neck just like he does with Big Doggy and Little Doggy! I have no clue why Baxter insists on getting harassed by L as they drive around together, but he does.
9.  See just look how sweet L is!  He’s showing W how to play with everything.  Best. Big. Brother. Ever.
10. He holds Buddy around the neck too.  Not only does Buddy pal around with L all day long, he sleeps with him at night.
11. I don’t know where he gets this from, but L’s been busting out his karate moves on me lately.  And he also tells me how he would use them on ghosts and zombies and bad guys. Isn’t having older kids as friends the best?  LOL.
12. And finally, my hot husband and his big arms.  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this in person or ever will since we don’t go work out together or anything like that.  But it looks good in pictures!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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