Fridays Letters

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Dear Basement Thanks for flooding.  B and I were looking for something to do and cleaning up water was perfect!  And what’s going to be even more fun is replacing all the flooring down there.  Cannot wait!  Dear GAP, Please stop having sales. You know I cannot resist super cheap kids and baby clothes.  My kids already have enough clothes to outfit an army.  Dear W, Thank goodness you are so darn cute!  Dear L,  I love when you listen well in public.  Cleaning up your own plate (and ours) at a birthday party?  Awesome.  It’s reasons like this that you are so spoiled.  Dear Summer Bucket List, We’ve been slacking and I’m sorry.  We are going to step it up I promise.  Dear Fro-Yo Place, I had  a dream about you and I got a gift card to visit you for my birthday.  This is fate and it must mean we’ll be together soon.  Dear Justin Bieber Hair, When are you going to go out of style?  Hoepfully soon.  Dear Kids, Why does playing include running around while carrying sticks, plastic golf clubs and whatever else could poke an eye out? I wonder how long before you realize what a bad idea this is?  Dear Crossfit, I am going to try you soon.  And drag B with me because I don’t want to come alone.  See you soon.  Dear Friday the 13th, There seems to be a lot of you this year?  What’s up with that?  And finally, Dear Insurance Adjuster Who Called During Dinner Time, Was it really necessary for you to call while we were eating and then insist on getting directions to my house as you looked at a MAP online.  Really dude?  Ever heard of MapQuest?  Or better yet, a GPS?  Guess what?  I suck at directions.  I’ll be lucky if you ever show up.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. karen

    So what happened that the basement flooded?

    1. Jennifer

      It rained and the sump pump couldn’t handle it.

  2. Hilary

    Ahhhh good luck with the basement – hopefully insurance covers it all and makes it easy on you guys! How did it flood??

    1. Jennifer

      We’re pretty sure it was from all the rain we got. Pump sump couldn’t take it.

  3. karen

    It is getting to the drynes point here where I would welcome a wet basement if we would get some rain. Cigarette smoking outside ie even banned in some places.

  4. lori

    My Dad suggested two sump pumps set at different levels. If one dies then you have a back up and if you get hit really hard with rain then they both run…. either way its a good plan. That Dad of mine has good ideas sometimes!

    1. Jennifer

      Oh we totally need a 2nd one!

    2. Bryan

      Do you think the Lewiston Hardware Store could rig us up a nice two pump system??

      1. Jennifer

        It’s possible. We could just put it on the account!

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