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Is It Normal?

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1. Is it normal to live with your parents past the age of 24?
No. This is NOT normal. Unless you’ve got a SUPER good reason. When Sean on the Bachelorette to Emily last night that he still lived at home and was showing her his stuffed animals, I about died. Thank goodness it was a joke! I would never ever date someone that lived at home. Ever. Well, it’s not like I date anyways since I am married. But if I did, you better bet I wouldn’t date anyone who lived at home. I just asked B and he says 24 is normal, but 25, now that’s not normal.

2. Is it normal to leave your house and/or car unlocked?
This is a tough one. I personally lock my house and my car all the time. Well except yesterday when I didn’t lock my car when I dropped the dogs off at the salon. After getting everyone out of the car, it just seemed like too much work to click that little button. I do know a lot of people who never lock their house or their cars. There’s nothing in my car anyone would want anyways (not unless you like crumbs under the seat or half drank water bottles), so it wouldn’t matter if i locked it anyways. Plus, I don’t care if ever see it again. Cars are just cars to me.

3. Is it normal to prefer using your a men’s razor instead of a women’s?
Totally normal. Why do they even make woman’s razors? Everyone I know uses the Gillette Fusion ProGlide. And if you don’t, you should because it’s awesome and there are always coupons.

4. Is it normal to go back to bed right after showering for a quick nap?
Not normal for me because 1) I would never wake back up and get to wherever I needed to go on time and 2) Who really has time for that? Like I’d ever have enough free time to do this! Bahaha.

5. Is it normal to eat chocolate chips straight from the bag?
Oh this is normal. You just plan to have like one, and then one turns into two. Two turns into twenty…  and you get the picture. It’s too much work to put them in a bowl or something to eat. It’s so much easier just to shove your hand in.

6. Is it normal to check behind the shower curtain or under the bed before you get in?
I’d say this this is normal. I don’t do it, but it’s normal. I usually to check in the bathroom when I would go out of town alone on work trips, but those days are long gone. And I have a glass shower door, not a curtain, so that’s out. Plus, if someone was under my bed, Baxter and Buddy would be going insane.

7. Is it normal to talk to yourself?
Totally mormal. I always liked to have conversations with myself in the car on my commute to work. Not sure what we’d talk about, but I think I liked it. LOL. No, but it really is normal. You heard people mumbling to themselves in public all the time!

8. Is it normal to bite your nails?
Gross and not normal. I have never once bitten a nail.  I cannot stand when people put their fingers in their mouth.  So gross.  I’m not a germophobe, but this gets me.

9. Is it normal to go to bed without brushing your teeth?
If you are drunk, this is normal.  Not drunk, not normal.  I mean I have done it a time or two, but I never think it’s normal.  It’s gross. 

10. Is it normal to “baby talk” your pet?
No, this isn’t normal.  I have probably done it a time or two, but I don’t think it’s normal.  Baxter and Buddy don’t listen as it is, so they would never respond to baby talk.  Does Paris Hilton even baby talk to her dogs?  I mean she does it all the time but even she doesn’t like turn it up a notch for the dogs.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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