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Olympic Sports + A Poll

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As you may know, I am Olympic obsessed. Obsessed. My all time favorite is Gymnastics. I mean, everyone watches Woman’s Gymnastics right?

I feel so bad for Jordyn Wieber

I totally do not think it’s fair that Jordyn Wieber doesn’t get to go to the all around finals. She got the 4th highest overall score. Who cares if she’s not in the top 2 from her country? Does any other sport take the top two people per country, not per score, and put them in the finals? I think not. It’s just so weird. And the judging is basically equivalent to ice-skating.  I think everyone should go and then the judges should rank them.  Something like that anyways.

Of course, I also love swimming.  What’s not to love about Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte?  And all those other guys?

Well hello!

I for one am so glad that those bodysuits that everyone was wearing in the Beijing Games are banned. I bet they lost some ratings with those things ;). And I want to see Phelps become the most decorated Olympian ever. Like him or not, it’s fun to watch history be made.

And my third favorite Olympic sport? Track and Field. Specifically, just the track events. Blink and you’ll miss most of them. And I love that. No drawn out drama. One and done.

Sometimes I get tired just watching.

Tell me you won’t be tuning in to watch them determine who the world’s fastest man is? I know I will be. Heck, I’ll even watch the marathon. They. run. so. fast. They can run a mile in the time it takes me to put on my shoes.

But let’s be real, some of the Olympic sports are kinda, well, odd. Don’t get me wrong, I will watch everything and anything that comes on my tv that’s Games related. Heck, I even watch when I have already spoiled the results for myself online. B and I spent a fair amount of time on Sunday watching women’s fencing. What else have I watched? Kayak, Judo, Rowing, Sailing, whatever. B thinks the Men’s Floor Exercise is the dumbest thing ever. He wants there to be music. I personally think Synchronized Swimming is pretty dumb. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard. So hard. And pretty to watch. But I just don’t get it.  Also table tennis?  Nothing wrong with an Olympic sport that can always be played in the basement.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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