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Weekend Ramblings

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Another weekend has come and gone. And we made it through the entire weekend without breaking anything. Not too bad ;).

  • When B got home from work Friday, he found L and I sitting on the porch waiting for the ice cream man.  We heard his music and knew he wasn’t far.  We’ve only seen him like one other time all summer, so we wanted to make sure to catch him.  To make it a little more fun, we decided to go on a hunt for him.  We walked towards the sound of his truck, which is way harder than it seems.  Halfway into the hunt, B turns to me and asks how much money I had.  It seems he was a tad worried I only had enough cash for ice cream for L.  As if!  We eventually found the ice cream man and L snatched the money from me and went running towards the truck waving it in the air to get him to stop.  I almost peed myself.
  • We knocked another item off our summer to do list on Saturday and headed to the Zoo.  I can’t remember if we went last year or not, but L doesn’t seem to recall ever going there (we’ve actually taken him like 5 times), so it was like a totally new thing for him.  His favorite part was seeing the monkeys.  I always enjoy the big cats.  And, of course, someone needed a souvenir, so we are know the proud owners of “Snakey Snake”.  The ride home was actually the best part for me.  Both kids were sound asleep in the backseat.  Complete silence.  I didn’t want it to end ;).
    He loved the reptile house. I think Snakey Snake felt right at home there too.

    No sign of swimming polar bears. Figures.

    A train ride at the Zoo. Of course L had to go on it. 

  • My mom (and W) and I hit up Target’s Summer Clearance on Sunday.  It was 70% off, but pickings were slim.  I am waiting for 90%.  I pretty much want anything at 90% off. I did find some fun water toys for L and a super cute rash guard for W (in a few years).  I think L and I might hit up another one after his appointment tomorrow.  He says he wants to go, so how can I deny him?
    For $1.50 each, I don’t care if they break after we use them once.

    $3. How could I resist??

  • So L had swimming lessons yesterday.  I never go, but I get the recap from B.  Turns out he was being a bad listener yesterday.  Okay, fine.  And then he demonstrated his cannonball technique for his teenage instructor.  LMFAO.  L said that Mr. Evan liked it.  B did say that he was cracking up.  I am guessing being a swimming instructor to little kids makes Mr. Evan be very very careful in his extracurricular activities.
  • Since L has been a good listener lately (except for that swim class incident), I ordered him some Stompeez.  I wish I would have video taped him opening the box.  He loves them and wears them all the time now.  And they are super cute.  And they really do work.

    That’s some outfit huh?

  •  I haven ‘t had fro-yo in 3 weeks (GASP) and yesterday was time to break the fast.  Thankfully they had cake batter which totally hit the spot.  L’s favorite is Fruit Punch and Honeydew Melon sorbet.  Mixed with caramel topping.  Can you say gross?
  • And finally, I think this is how we all feel after our fun weekend.
    There’s a lot of patterns in this picture!

    So what’d you do this weekend?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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