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What I’m Loving Wednesday

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I’m linking up again (better late than never) with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday:

I’m Loving…..

Stolen from:

aden + anais swaddle plus blankets. I look at these every time I go to Target but have always passed them up because they are $34.99 for 4 and that just seems like so much. Of course, it’s okay to buy Stompeez because those are super practical, but blankets, hmm, I don’t know. I finally went for it the other day and am thrilled! They are PERFECT for throwing over the stroller / carseat to keep the sun off little W. Normal blankets are just too small and fall off all the time. Not these! Also, they are big enough to use as a burp cloth + blanket at the same time. And if we still swaddled W (I stopped that long ago. I learned my lesson with L), I would use these to swaddle in the summer since they are so lightweight.

I’m Loving…..

His hair isn’t really red.

My little W. I thought he was on a hunger strike for the last week because he’s been eating way less than “normal”. Turns out he’s just feels better. I switched his acid reflux medication and now that it’s working, he doesn’t need to eat for comfort anymore. Something about the burning makes them want to eat and eat and eat because they think they’ll feel better? Good to know because I was getting worried he was anorexic.

I’m Loving…..

Yep. Still loving Target.

Ahh, Target. I will forever love Target. Why do I love it this week? Because it’s summer clearance time of course. I went to (hangs head) 4 Targets today. Yeah, 4. Two with kids and two without. I hadto go since it was 90% off time! I’ll post pictures of my finds soon.

I’m Loving…..

stolen from: Seasonal Insanity

Winning! I think I mentioned last week that I won an iPad. Well, this week some Tarte make-up showed up at the door (L keeps asking me when I am going to wear it), I won a $50 Visa giftcard in an instant win game and I got an e-mail today that I won a case of sparkling water. My non-winning streak is over! I am more motivated than normal to enter too. Fingers crossed for a huge win next! I’m thinking a motorcycle for B.

I’m Loving…..

I need to label these….

My basement storage room. B has the garage for his “stuff”. I have a room in the basement for mine. And B never says one word about what I store in there, the things I buy, etc. Just another reason to love him.

I’m Loving…..

What a great idea!

Funfetti Cake Pops. I stumbled upon these at Target (what a shock) the other day while hunting for deals. I haven’t tried these yet, but I love anything Funfetti and I love cake pops, so why wouldn’t I love these.  These will be made by L and I very soon!

I’m Loving…..

He could find the train aisle in any Target. Anytime.

And finally my L. He is such a trooper about my Target shopping. In fact, he gets just as excited as I do. Maybe a little too excited. Because he stops and shows me things we “need” every two seconds. And every time we go, we HAVE to check the train aisle. Hello Target, get some new trains because we have all of these. But he just hopes for new ones and you know what, so do I!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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