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Friday iPhone Dump

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1. Does W care it’s not Christmas time? No way, look at that dimple!  And clearly I don’t care either since I’m the one who bought the sleeper on super clearance for him after the holidays.
2. The 2013 IKEA catalog arrived and I’ve just started to pore through it and am finding lots of goodies that I want.  I’m not sure I’ve even been to IKEA since last summer when I bought this mirror (which I am still totally in love with).
3. W and L had outdoor pictures taken on Wednesday and poor little W was beat after.  He sleep for hours and hour he was done.  And he looked so cute in his little jeans, I just couldn’t make him change ;).
4. So I mentioned briefly that L had a big day yesterday.  He had surgery to get a skin tag (aka his jingle bell) removed from his ear.  He did AMAZING.  Seriously.  I couldn’t have asked for more.  What is it about hospital popsicles that are so amazing?  After he’d had two (banana and orange) we were getting ready to leave when he freaked out because he wanted to stay longer and have more popsicles.  LOL.  I got him one for the road ;).  And as we were driving out he proclaimed “That was fun”.  Loves it!
5. W still loves his baths.  He gets so excited in there and kicks and smiles and goes all crazy!
6. I forced L to take a picture with me.  He wasn’t thrilled but whatever.
7. L and w’s pictures were so close to the fro-yo place so my mom (I’m not dumb enough to attempt pictures in a park with two kids alone) forced us to go.  L ate more frozen yogurt than I have ever seen him eat.  Getting your picture taken is hard work.
8. I cannot believe how big L is getting.  WTF happened to my baby??
9. After you get surgery, you get presents. I believe that’s a law?  L got a million new trains, a Happy Napper and a puzzle of the United States.  Now he knows exactly where Las Vegas and Disney World are.
10. My local GAP was having a sale and I went bananas (as always).  25% off sale prices?  Yes please.  My secret for GAP sales is to look for “final sale” things.  Nail polish for $0.35?  Shorts for $3?  I want it all!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!