Weekend Wrap-Up

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 Like you saw yesterday, B spent the weekend at Lollapoolza in Chicago. Based on the pictures he sent me (of a sink full of booze, him looking like hell in the morning, etc.), I’d say he had a pretty good weekend ;).  In all my trips to Chicago, over all the years, can you believe I’ve never been to The Bean?  I have, however, spent hours upon hours shopping on Michigan Ave.  And hours and hours and hours drinking at various bars.  Priorities.

And the little boys and I also had a good weekend. W ate amazing. AMAZING. Seriously. He was killing bottles left and right. I loved every second of that!   I really do think he’s teething though because when he’s not eating, he’s gnawing on his hand.  All day long.  All I hear is slurping.  That screaming picture doesn’t represent our weekend at all, but I do like to keep it real on here ;).  He does cry.  He is a baby after all.

As for L, he woke up Friday morning like nothing (the surgery) ever happened.  He has to get those stitches out this week though, so that should be a special treat.  The doctor is dreading it, so I am sure L’s going to be pissed off.  He also got to go to the zoo with my parents on Saturday, which he went crazy for.  We were just there a few weeks ago, but he acted like it was his first trip ever.  My parents left exhausted. L, not so much.  We spent the rest of the weekend playing outside, running errands, playing trains (W even got in on the action) and catching up on Scooby Doo ;).  Oh and we made Skinny Funfetti Cupcakes yesterday.  So yummy.  And only 110 calories per frosted cupcake.  Expect a post on this soon ;).

As for me, I actually got a lot done.  I organized a few closets and finally got around to putting away my Target clearance finds (with the help of L who “shops” in my sale stuff).  It wasn’t a super exciting weekend here by any means, but it was fun.  My boys were good and really, that’s all I’m after when B’s gone (he was gone all but one day this week – the day of L’s surgery).  Next weekend though, it’s on!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Neely

    Hey girl! I saw you said you bought an ad and it hasn’t come through yet, I couldnt reply to your comment cause you dont have it set up to do that. email me 🙂

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