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Labor Day Weekend Recap

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This was the first time in years that we didn’t head up-north for the holiday weekend. B has school Friday nights and the patio was being finished so it just wasn’t in the cards this year. I am sure up-north missed us though (actually I know it did) and we missed it. But we kept super busy around here doing lots of random things.

The boys and I played in the backyard Friday morning, but it was so messy back there from all the concrete powder. So instead of just playing inside like normal people, we went to IKEA. Just a quick trip to a store over an hour away with two kids ;).  The kids were super good and L scored some trains (what’s new) and I got the grass I wanted.  Fake grass.  Not weed people.  The rest of Friday is kind of a blur. I  have no idea what we did.

One of my favorite pictures of the WB.
Oh, I’ll just run to IKEA with my two kids.

On Saturday B got busy working on the front lawn while they stained / sealed the patio in the backyard. The lawn took a beating during construction of the patio and it really stressed B out. I dragged B away from his project long enough to go swimming in the neighbors pool (we invited ourselves). WB “swam” for a few minutes but wasn’t too thrilled the pool wasn’t like bath water. He’s such a baby. It’s heated, but I guess he’s more of a hot tub guy. He did get to wear his new swim trunks and rash guard which I think was pretty much the only reason he agreed to go. L is a complete fish and for someone who can’t really swim, he’s very good at tricks. He can now do a flipunderwater. Once he figured out he could do them he must have done it like 100 times. Watching him is so fun because he gets SO excited when he does new things. And it makes me pretty proud ;).

He thinks L is the coolest person on earth. And you know what? He is.
I crack up when they do this.
I am going to need to get a 3-seater for when WB can start to ride along. Baxter is going to be PISSED if he can’t go too.

Sunday was a HUGE day. We could finally walk on the patio. OMG, it was the biggest event around here in ages. We ran around the patio like little kids. And then L took it over with his trains. And moved his boxes outside and created a huge man cave. I’ll admit it was pretty cool in there. Cool in that it was fun because it was actually hot in there. While L played on the patio and B worked on the backyard (him and that da*n lawn), WB and I palled around and got some stuff done in the house. And then we all ran errands. We hit up a million stores in search of cheap patio chairs (to tide us over), letters for my Athro DIY projectand a few other stores. Does anyone know why Joann Fabric always has the longest line? It was like 20 deep on Sunday. We didn’t find any (cheap) patio chairs and I considered having B drag the loveseat from the basement out there for me, but luckily (for him and the neighbors) The Hills was on, so I didn’t join him out there all night ;).

The box has turned into a full on man cave. And the patio is now the best place to place trains. You can work on your tan while you play!

He looks like such a big boy I can’t even take it!

L is obsessed with the “secret pathway”. Is it really a secret when you know exactly where it goes?

Sunday was also a busy day. We had my parents and brother / SIL over for a BBQ so B went grocery shopping in the morning while I, well I have no clue what I did. L has been super excited to make pie and he finally got his chance. B let him help with everything and he was thrilled. B is rather crazy and allowed him to cut the tops off the strawberries with a sharp knife. Luckily no fingers were lost and I didn’t have to kill him. After lunch, WB and I went out in search of more letters (for the bedroom), beer for B, etc. We were not very successful, but did go to like 20 stores. WB is a good errand buddy. He’s cute and super well behaved. We had fun having people over on our new patio and we think everyone else had a good time too. My Dad even joined “The Facebook” while he was here. H*ll must have frozen over yesterday. B spent the night doing homework on the patio and WB (he was supposed to be sleeping!!) and I watched The Bachelor Pad. I am so anxious to see what happens next week!!

B let L cut the strawberries for a pie they made. Teamwork!

What’d you do this weekend?? Just in case you were too busy to read my blog posts, don’t forgot to go back and check them out!
A Labor Day Project ~ DIY Anthropologie Letters
Silent Sunday (aka the cutest picture ever of my boys)
August PopSugar Must Have “Bag” Review (better than the July bag!)
And the winner is… (don’t worry if you didn’t win, I’m going to have another giveaway soon)
Flashback Friday (once again on a Saturday)

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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