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Monday Morning Emmy Thoughts + Celeb Gossip

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~Did anyone else watch the Emmy’s last night? I didn’t think it was all that great, but of course I watched. My issue with shows like the Emmy’s and the Oscar’s is that nothing I watch ever wins. I spend my money on boxes of goodies and plastic bins and not HBO / Showtime / Skinemax, so I don’t get to watch all those great shows. I subscribed to HBO back in the day when SATC and the Sopranos were on though, because, well, that was the law. But anyways, Jimmy Kimmel was fine as a host and the Tracy Morgan prank? I wasn’t into it. I mean, he actually did pass out on stage before and has legit health issues. Wait, maybe that’s why they picked him for it? Hmm, it’s all coming together now.

~I think the real reason I watch the those award shows is for the fashion. The dresses are by far the best part. I liked Padma Lakshmi’s orange dress the best. Maybe because I am so into orange. I also liked January Jones (kinda crazy but why not?), Julie Bowen, and Hayden Panettiere (did you know she used to date Steven Colletti from Laguna Beach?  I am full of all sorts of unimportant trivia like this). I wasn’t super into Mayim Bialik’s dress or Ashley Judd’s (I thought she looked like a bridesmaid) though. And while I thought Kelly Osbourne’s body looked amazing, I am not a fan of the dress color matching the hair color. Not when your dress is purple.  I’d include pictures here, but I am too lazy to upload and maybe you don’t even want to see them anyways?  And for the record, I have no idea who the press is calling fashion disasters.  I probably loved everything they hated.

~Okay, so I know Amanda Bynes is currently competing with Lindsey Lohan for the worst driver (and biggest idiot) in Hollywood title, but other than that I cannot figure out who she is??  Have I seen anything she’s been in?  Have any of you?

~Did you hear the rumor that Cam (Eric Stonestreet) from Modern Family was dating Charlize Theron?  I heard it was like you go Cam!  When he denied it at the Emmy’s I was disappointed.  Maybe it’s still true.  I hope so!

~I am loving Britney Spears on X-Factor.  When I watch, it’s only to see her.  I have no clue what’s up with Britney’s mental state (and it’s none of my business anyways), but I have always been hoping she’d make it back from all that craziness that she had going on.  I mean, it’s Britney, b*tch.

~I read last week that Tori Spelling had been hospitalized after the birth of her 4th baby in just about as many years.  Yeah, I get that she had a lot of c-sections very close together, but I feel bad that everyone is giving her such a hard time about it.  Nothing like kicking someone while they are down!  While it certainly doesn’t seem like a great idea to have two children in eleven months, what do I know?  I haven’t seen any follow up stories on it, so I am hoping she is home by now.  Does anyone know?

~I haven’t watched the RHONJ finale yet, but I hear I need to watch ASAP.  I’m not sure if Melissa was a dancer or not, but if she was shouldn’t that be pretty easy to find out?  She must have had some dancer friends that can confirm this.  And don’t you need a license in some places to dance?  Why do I know this stuff?  See I told you I was full of all sorts of random facts.  And Caroline?  I am NOT a fan.  Ugh she drives me bananas.  If you don’t like someone (i.e. Teresa), stop talking about them all the time.  Wait, that’s what I am doing with Caroline right now.  Hmm.  Moving on.

~And finally, Lady Gaga gained a bunch of weight and doesn’t feel bad about it.  Good for her.  I am cracking up at this outfit that she wore.  Gaga never fails to entertain does she?  She’s out there for sure but probably would be fun to hang out with.  Oh and Jessica Simpson is looking great!  I do wish she was still with Nick, but I guess since everyone else has moved on, I will too.

What’s going on in the lives of your favorite celebrities these days?  Did you watch the Emmy’s?  Thoughts?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!