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Random Ramblings

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~First of all, I want to take a minute to remember the events of 9-11-01.  It’s hard to believe that it was 11 years ago.  11 years ago, I was working (at the job I recently retired from) on-site (aka at a client’s office) and was tucked away in a small conference room with a co-worker.  This was before smart phones and heck, even before text messaging really.  We found out what was going on when someone knocked on the door and filled us in.  Like the rest of the world, we ran to the nearest tv and just stood with our mouths open.  Oh and B, I didn’t know him back then, but he was 18.  And in the Army.  At boot camp.

~While L was at school yesterday, WB and I ran some errands and ended up, where else, Target. He was in a super good mood so we had some time to browse the clearance racks. We totally scored with some PJ sets (2 pairs of pjs in each) for $4.50 (that’s $2.25/pair). I was beyond thrilled. If you haven’t checked your Target lately, I suggest you get there ASAP! And then we grabbed some non-sale stuff for our fall mantle. I’m doing a red / brown / green theme instead of the usual fall yellows and oranges. I am excited with how it is turning out.

So cheap!
A sneak peek.

~I may have confused some people when I mentioned that B smoked in this post. I should have posted that he smoked. As in he did when we met but quit shortly after. Like two days after. And hasn’t smoked since. Phew, glad we cleared that up.

~If you feel like voting for the cutest baby ever (except for yours of course), click here and vote for the WB. I am not even sure what the winner gets, but I know that we’d love whatever it is.

~Since I can’t seem to find anyone that sells Tupperware, I decided to have my own online party Tupperware (**) party. I am specially looking at some pantry organization storage like this or this, but I need to check out all the new goodies they have. Oddly enough, I haven’t been to a party in years 😉 (*).  If you want to order and don’t see “Jennifer’s Party” on the front page when you click the link, leave me a comment and I’ll send you an invite.

~I cleaned both fish bowls this weekend and while no fish died, it was a close call. Because I am too cheap to buy a net, I still pour the water out of the bowl and then quickly stick the container under to catch the fish when it gets close. Only this time I wasn’t quick enough. Luckily Gungo didn’t fall in the garbage disposal like his twin did, but I picked him by his tail. I didn’t realize half his tail would fall off in the process. Oops. He didn’t cry out in pain so I am assuming all is well.

~L is still loving school.  He is super sweet to his friend from his old school who is still a little teary.  His teacher says he sits by her and talks to her so she isn’t sad.  Could be be any stinkin sweeter?  It’s “All About Me” week and they are making a book about their favorite things.  I look forward to him telling his teacher (and the rest of the class) how his favorite vacation spot is Las Vegas.

He may not color in the lines, but he has style.

~WB is totally into his exersaucer these days. He used to just be a Jumperoo guy, but lately, the exersaucer is where it’s at.  There is so much more to do on it.  And goes crazy in there.  He spins around and bats at everything.  It’s so fun to watch him explore!  And it’s even better when L plays too and shows him the things he can’t reach.

He loves it!

~I finally made the “Instagram” into a link to my instagram account.  It noticed a lot of people clicked on it and I am assuming they wanted to end up on my Instagram, so I made it happen.  You want it, I do it ;).

~Once again I have spoiled my September Birchbox (**).  I just cannot resist looking to see what I am getting!  Does anyone else do this?  For the record I am getting Box #8 and am anxiously stalking my mailbox ;).

~And finally, who else watched The Bachelor Pad finale last night?  I could care less that Blakeley and Tony got engaged.  But when Nick picked Keep instead of Share?  I couldn’t stop laughing.  Rachel was SO pissed.  I never really liked her so who cares.  Plus, Nick was so funny about it.  He clearly thought she was a b*tch and let her know just that.  Golden.

(*) I detest parties like this. I do not want to get together and listen to someone sell me stuff. If I want to see my friends, I prefer it to involve only wine. And no people I don’t know selling me how fabulous things are. Actually, I do not mind that as much as I detest when we go around in a circle and talk about our favorite Partylite product. Or whatever.
(**)  As always, you click and buy, I get free stuff!  Am I the only one who actually follows the rules?  Because I see this going on all the time and no one mentions it.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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