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So What Wednesday!

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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~I bought L a new train as part of his back to school present.  Only it’s more collectable than usable and I am not sure if I am going to let him open it.
~I was miserable from my allergies last week and it took me two days of feeling like crap before it dawned on me to take some medicine.  DUH. I felt like a million bucks again in under an hour.
~I try to guess what people’s problems are based on the someecards, bible verses, inspiration sayings, stupid quotes, etc. they post on Facebook, Instagram, etc.  I can assure you my guess are way worse than what is actually going on, so just post what your real issue is and stop beating around the bush.
~I am secretly pleased my dogs alert me to “danger”.  Sure it’s annoying, but let me tell you, if someone breaks into this house / walks in the backyard / touches the doorknob I’m going to know about it FAST.
~If you speak English as your first language and need to be subtitled on tv you have issues.  I’m talking about you Honey Boo Book and American Hoggers!
~I get annoyed when people tell me their 2-month old / 6-month old / dog / cat is the same size as my baby.  Who cares?
~I am addicted to spray paint.  Not only do I like the smell (*), I like to use it too.
~Sometimes I forget that I can’t just grab WB’s formula at Target.  Thank goodness for Amazon!
~I might go back to IKEA this week.  That’d be like 5 times in 2 weeks, but who’s counting?  Oh wait, my brother is!

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

(*) kidding.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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