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So What Wednesday!

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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~B and I overslept the other day.  I was more than confused when I woke up to light streaming in the bedroom and looked over and saw B sleeping soundly.  It took me a minute to register it was not the weekend and he needed to get up for work and I needed to get up and feed the WB!
~I used my Keurig Vue coffee maker the other day.  Yeah, I used it before the party.  Shoot me.  How could I resist? And, by the way, it’s fabulous.
~Sponsored posts annoy me, yet I am going to do a sponsored project review soon. Feel free to skip by it.
~I am annoyed that the mailman (it actually may be a mail-lady) doesn’t come at the same time on a daily basis.
~I am so glad not to be commuting to work anymore. Back to school season is the worst. You get all those school buses and parents dropping kids off after a summer without them. It’s not good.
~I separated the red, white and blue beans from my 4th of July apothecary jars so that I could use then again next year.  It took way too long. Spending excessive amounts of money on things such as $100 yoga pants is totally acceptable.  But $10 for new beans?  NO WAY.
~I cannot stand when people complain about their jobs on Facebook or their blog or whatever. Listen, I get posting “wow, what a rough day”, but when you get into “my boss is a moron and he sucks” or “my company is full of incompetent idiots” I think to myself, really, are you that dumb?  Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you.
~I am also equally annoyed by people’s continued complaining about their lack of sleep from their newborns.  I was talking to a lady with a 3 WEEK OLD and she was asking when my kids slept though the night because she was so tired and didn’t know how much longer she could do it.  Umm, you better figure something out quick lady because this isn’t stopping anytime soon!
~Sometimes, pinning things on Pinterest is too much work.  I’d rather just spend triple the time later to go back and find what I originally didn’t pin.
~I am annoyed Hobby Lobby isn’t open on Sundays.  I know I have said this before.  I am still annoyed.
~A local church throws the most amazing fair every year.  Beer tent.  Gambling.  Dancing. Umm, they even have jello shots.  It is a don’t miss event around here.
~I still haven’t requested a new debit card.  I prefer to pester B to go to the ATM for me.

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

(*) kidding.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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