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A Few Questions for You….

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~Do you always buy the same dog food for dogs? I suppose the question can be asked about cats too. I mean, I know “they” say to always buy the same food, but does everyone? We always buy the same brand (Purina ONE Small Bites), but I will mix up the flavors. Partially because I can never remember what kind I bought the time before and partially because I feel bad they eat the same thing every day. It’s not like they complain, but still.

~What is the best thing to pass out / receive when trick-or-treating? We always leave a bowl full of candy on our porch for the 10 kids or whatever that come to the house, but I am reconsidering this for next year. There is just so much candy after all the trick-or-treating events.  I am sending B to work tomorrow with a huge bag because we will never eat it all here.  L got a Capri Sun from one house yesterday and thought it was the best.thing.ever. Heck, maybe I will pass out mummy juice boxes? Oh and by the way, these were a HUGE hit. Between those and the treat buckets, all the other moms think I am nuts. Which I pretty much am, so that’s okay.

~What is your favorite online place to shop for clothes?  I’m not talking about Nordstrom or JCrew or ShopBop here.  I’m talking smaller online stores.  Maybe something fabulous in your city that has an online store as well?  Whatever, just tell me the places you hit up first when you need something fun to wear.

~What is your favorite way to cook pumpkin seeds?  We carved sawed (see my Instagram) two pumpkins yesterday, but I still have one I want to gut just for seeds.  So I need everyone’s secret pumpkin seed recipes!

~If you were ordered to evacuate your home and given, say, an hour to gather things up, what would you take (other than living things of course)?  In light of Superstorm Sandy (*), B and I were talking about this and agreed we’d take enough clothes for each person for a week, our laptops, iPhones and chargers, our external hard drive where all our pictures are stored, medications, important documents (passports, insurance information, birth certificates, etc.) and dog food (you just never know).  Oh and as much of WB’s food as I had on hand (that stuff is not just going to be at a shelter).  That’d probably take 20 minutes to gather up (I’m pretty organized and B can pack a bag with his eyes shut) and then we agreed we’d go from room to room in the house and see if there was anything we missed or wanted to take.  I’m let L pack whatever he wanted (i.e. every single train he owns and “big doggy” and “little doggy”) and that’d be that.  WB could care less about his toys.  At the end of the day, it’s just stuff and I certainly wouldn’t want to waste resources for someone to come rescue me when I failed to comply with a mandatory evacuation because I wanted to stay home and save my stuff.  We also realized that we need to take photographs of every room in out house for insurance purposes.  Better to be overprepared than underprepared right?

A few notes:
~It appears that PopSugar added more December Must Have boxes and you can still sign up for one (they previously had been sold out).  A perfect holiday gift from you to you if you ask me!
~Don’t forget to enter my Target giveaway!  It ends tonight!

(*) My thoughts continue to be with everyone affected by the storm. The pictures make the devastation look almost unbelievable.  All the sand in the streets in New Jersey?  The flooding?  There are no words.  If you are so inclined, text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

Disclosure: Affiliate links are in here! 

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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