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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~B and I are now on Season 4 of Breaking Bad. It’s pretty much all we do when we are together after the kids go to bed. I kinda don’t want to finish Season 4 because then I have to figure out where to watch Season 5 since it’s not on Netflix.  Is there

~I got back one set of the holiday pictures of WB and L I had taken. They are hysterical. WB was so pissed and I have to say, I laughed when I saw them. He is never that pissed but he just wan’t having it last week.  They might be the only pictures I have of him ever that upset.   99% of the time he is smiling.  The other 1% of the time he is getting his picture professionally taken and is mad.  Love that kid.  And thank you to Capture A Moment Photography.  Sorry my kid screamed most of the time.  And sorry the other one wouldn’t listen.

Oh my WB

~As part of a continued effort to take better care of my skin, I bit the bullet and bought a Clarasonic Mia2 this weekend.  I have obviously only used it a few times, but I like it so far.  I let L pick what color to get and he picked pink.  Of course he did!  While at Sephora, I was talking to the sales associate about the JM Argan Oil and how it was drying out my skin.  I pretty much think she thought I was nuts.  I’m going to give it the full month though, unless my face cracks off first.

~I also got back Ls school pictures, which I LOVE.  I’ve never heard of the company they used for them, but they did a great job.  All the kids pictures looked so good.  Not a hair out of place on any of the kids.


~Someone asked me for my (well my aunt’s) chocolate chip cookie recipe on Instagram.  Here it is.  I swear, they are amazing.

~I went to a few stores this weekend in search of a mirror for above the mantle.  I found nothing.  I want something cheap, so that may be hindering my shopping.  Where should I look?  I went to Home Goods, Target, Michaels, etc.  It needs to be smaller than the IKEA mirror I tired to put over my mantle, but bigger than everything else.  And cheap.  It must be cheap!  Help!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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