So What Wednesday

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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~I wasn’t sad when our fair fish kicked the bucket.  L didn’t care either.
~I already took my kids to go see Santa.  No lines and we had time to mingle with Santa. It’s the way to do it. (*)
~I was looking at all the previous years Santa pictures and it blows my mind how big L is.  His baby face is GONE ;(.  I’ll post pictures soon.
~I find it crazy that I can ship something overseas faster than Birchbox / PopSugar  can get my boxes to me.
~I briefly considered getting L a drum set for Christmas.  And then I realized that I never ever want to hear a 4 year-old playing drums.  Never.  Never Ever.
~I haven’t made any Thanksgiving crafts with the kids yet.  Eeek.  I better get on that.  Like, umm, today.
~I’m still laughing at B wearing the “baby tee”.  Check here if you missed it.   Is that not the most hysterical shirt?
~I sometimes like my own photos on FB and Instagram.  I mean, I’m the one that took / posted them.  Why wouldn’t I like it?

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

(*) We usually go the weekend right before Christmas when the line is at least an hour long. So so dumb. This year I took full advantage of my retirement and went early.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Meg Smith

    Smart thinking going to see Santa early! Check that experience off the to-do list! PopSugar??? I need to go google it! Love my Birchbox, though! Have you heard of Beauty Army?? Like Birchbox, but not QUITE as fantastic. I impulsed purchased a guitar for my (almost) three year old…not smart! And I have a three week old…not smart at all. Maybe we’ll save that gift for next year…! On facebook, I crazy stalk myself, not my random old high school friends! I’d rather look at pictures of my babies! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Jennifer

      I’ve heard of Beauty Army but I don’t think I have ever seen a box?? I will have to check it out. I have a bunch of PopSugar reviews on here too if you want to take a look!!

      And that’s so funny about Facebook. I look back at my old pictures all the time too.

  2. Amanda

    I still think that was the creepiest shirt ever.

    1. Jennifer

      Oh Amanda come on. You know you liked it.

  3. Shannon Dew

    I’m thinking of taking KP to see Santa next week! During the day and like on a Wednesday so we have NO line.

    1. Jennifer

      Yep! The sooner the better!

  4. Kelsey N.

    Dillon has a fish that he won from a corn maze last October. It just won’t die!

    1. Jennifer

      Send it here…..

  5. Elizabeth

    My kids are terrified of Santa so won’t go near him! We were at a funtion this past weekend and I had hoped for them to meet Santa. They ran away screaming!

    On a side note, I just came up with a brillant idea (if I do say so myself!) for using up those subscription boxes once they are empty. You may want to check out

    1. Jennifer

      Ohh, what a great idea!!! I might steal that! I have been using mine to ship things and plan to wrap Christmas gifts in them ;)!

  6. Popping over from So What Wednesday link up 🙂 I wish I could get my kids to go talk to Santa. We have never gotten closer than standing a few feet from him. So sadly, I have no pics of my kids with Santa 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      Should I even admit I love the pictures with Santa when the kids are screaming??

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